Mixed Use Development Sites Case Study - Analysis Workflow using ArcGIS Pro
Mixed Use Development Sites Case Study - Analysis Workflow using ArcGIS Pro
This story map walks you through the analysis workflow for finding potential sites for several residential/retail developments, as presented in the case study "Which lots are suitable sites for a mixed use development?"
Scroll down to view the analysis steps.
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Create a 3/4 mile walk area around light rail stops
The first part of the analysis uses a series of attribute and location selections to find the lots that meet these criteria:
Between 1/4 acre and 1/2 acre in size
Currently vacant or occupied by a gas station
Less than 3/4 of a mile from a light rail stop
Before doing the selections, create the ¾ mile walk zone around the light rail stops. To create a service area in ArcGIS Pro, you first need to add an ArcGIS server connection to access the GenerateServiceAreas tool. (In this project there is not an existing street network dataset—if there were, the ¾ mile walk zone could be created using the Network Analysis Service Area tool.) Learn more about adding an ArcGIS server connection.
Now, on the View tab, display the Project Pane, and open the GenerateServiceAreas tool (in the Servers folder).
Specify the Facilities as Light Rail Stop, the Break Values as 0.75, and the Break Units as miles. Open the Custom Travel Mode section and, under Restrictions, select Walking and clear all the other boxes. Then set Impedance to Travel Distance, and run the tool.
By default, the layer is named Service_Areas. Rename it to something meaningful, like ¾ mile walk area.
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Find the lots that meet the minimum requirements
Now you can select the lots that meet the minimum criteria. First use Select By Attributes (on the Map tab) to select the lots that are vacant by entering the clause “LANDUSE is Equal to VAC.” Learn more about using Select By Attributes.
Now use Select By Location to add lots that have a gas station on them. Be sure to set the Selection type to Add to the current selection. Learn more about using Select By Location.
Next, use Select By Location again to select the lots that are within the ¾-mile walking zones. This time set the Selection type to Select subset from the current selection.
Finally, use Select By Attributes to select the lots that are between 0.25 and 0.5 acres in size. Once again, set the Selection type to Select subset from the current selection.
80 lots meet the minimum requirements. Export the selected features to a new layer to make it easier to perform the rest of the analysis (by default only the currently selected features are exported).
Priority 1 lots are those that meet the minimum requirements and are in zones that allow mixed residential/retail developments. The ZONE code for these are CUC, DT, DC1, and DC2. Use Select by Attributes to create a subset of these zones.
When using Select by Location, there are a number of options for defining the spatial relationship between the target and source layers. The option you choose will impact the results of your analysis. In this example, the goal is to find lots that for all intents and purposes are inside the specified zone areas. Unfortunately “for all intents and purposes” is not one of the options. Within, Intersect, and Have their center in are all potential choices.
Next you’ll add a field to assign the priority value to the selected lots. Open the attribute table and click the New Field button to display the Fields view. In the bottom row enter Priority as the field name and set the type to Short.
On the Fields tab (at the top of the project window) click Save, then close the Fields view.
Now click the Calculate Field button in the Table view, and calculate the Priority value equal to 1.
The value of 1 will be assigned only for the eleven selected lots (the other lots will retain a value of <Null>).
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Identify the Priority 2 lots
Now find the Priority 2 lots. These are lots that meet the minimum requirements and are in a mixed use zone that does not allow mixed residential/retail developments, or are in another type of commercial zone that is adjacent to any type of mixed use zone. Use selection to create a subset of the applicable zones. Then find the lots that fall within these zones.
Start by selecting the mixed use zones. These have a REGZONE code of MUC1 or MUC2 (using the default selection type of New selection will clear the previously selected Priority 1 zones).
Now use Select by Location to add any zones that are adjacent to the selected mixed use zones. Set both the Input feature layer and the Selecting layer to Zoning. Then set the selection type to Add to Selection and the relationship to Boundary touches.
At this point, you have selected the mixed use zones, plus zones of any type that are adjacent to the mixed use zones. However, you want only the commercial zones that are adjacent to a mixed use zone. Use Select by Attributes to remove from the selected set any zones that are not commercial; that is, have a REGZONEGEN code not equal to COM (keeping in mind that the mixed use zones are also within the COM category). Set the selection type to Remove from the current selection.
You now almost have the zones you need to identify the Priority 2 sites. The currently selected zones include the zones containing the Priority 1 sites, since these zones are within the selected categories. So the remaining step is to remove them from the selected set, leaving the zones you’ll use to select the Priority 2 sites. There are a couple ways to do this. One straightforward way is to remove the zones that have one of the four Priority 1 ZONE codes: CUC, DT, DC1, or DC2.
Use the eraser symbol to clear the existing expression, then enter the new expression.
The selected set now comprises the zones you need. Use Select by Location to identify the potential sites that fall within these zones. For Relationship, specify Have their center in.
There are twenty-two sites. The last step for this part of the analysis is to assign the selected sites a Priority code of 2.
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Add the zoning codes to the potential sites
Adding the zoning codes to the potential sites will make it easier to compare the sites. First create a new layer containing the Priority 1 and 2 sites. Since the Priority 2 sites are currently selected use Select by Attributes to add the Priority 1 sites.
Finally, use Spatial Join to add the zoning codes to the potential sites. The zones you used to select the Priority 2 sites are still selected, so before continuing, clear the selection in the Zoning layer (open the attribute table and click the Clear Selection button).
On the Analysis tab, click the Tools icon, and search for Spatial Join.
The Target Features are the potential sites, and the Join Features are in the Zoning layer. By default, all the fields from the Zoning layer will be added to the potential sites. You only need to add the ZONE, DESCRIBE, and REGZONE fields, so in the Field Map of Join Features box, scroll down and select OBJECTID and REGZONEGEN and click the red X next to one of them to remove them both from the list. (Note that the list also includes the existing fields in the potential sites layer, which were inherited from the original Lots layer.) For Match Option choose Have their center in (a potential site that has its center in a particular zone will be assigned the attributes of that zone).
The record for each potential site now includes the zoning fields.
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Add the Tapestry data to the block groups
Use the Enrich Layer tool to add the Tapestry segment data to the block groups. Enrich Layer is on the Analysis toolbar—scroll down to display it.
Specify Block group as the Input Features, United States as the Country, and Tapestry Households as the Data Collection. Then under Variables, select the three segments of interest. Note that the Enrich Layer tool consumes ArcGIS Online credits. Learn more about using the Enrich Layer tool.
A new Block group layer is created containing the Tapestry segment values. To find out if there are any block groups with households in a particular segment, sort each Tapestry field in turn. If you use Sort Descending, you will immediately see whether any block groups have a value greater than 0.
In fact, there are block groups containing households in the Bright Young Professionals and Metro Fusion segments, but none containing households in the Young and Restless segment.
To map the block groups based on the number of households in the Bright Young Professionals segment, select the block groups with a value greater than 0 for this field.
Export the features to a new layer. Since only the selected features are exported, you’ll be able to map the block groups containing households in the Bright Young Professionals segment, without displaying the block groups containing no households in this segment.
You can now display the block groups by the number of households in the two segments. When you create the new layers, the symbology defaults to Single Symbol (the polygons are shaded using the same color). You’ll use graduated symbols (circles) to display the block groups using five classes. The class breaks for the two layers need to be the same so you can easily compare the two segments. However, by default, classes are based on the range of values in a field. The values for the Bright Young Professionals segment range from a low of 259 households to a high of 1813 households, while the values for the Metro Fusion segment range from 490 to 910, so the default classes for the two layers will be different. You’ll create custom classes and make them the same for both layers. Learn more about using graduated symbols.
Open the Symbology dialog for the Bright Young Professionals layer and specify the Symbology as Graduated Symbols, the Field as the Bright Young Professionals field, and the Method as Manual Interval. Now edit the class breaks and change them to 400, 800, 1200, 1600, and 2000. If desired, change the minimum and maximum size, template, background, and labels.
Now change the symbology for the Metro Fusion block group layer. Specify Metro Fusion for the Field and make the rest of the settings the same as for the Bright Young Professionals layer. Use a different color for the circles. An efficient way to do this is to import the sybmology from the block_group_byp layer. On the menu in the Symbology dialog specify Import symbology. Then in the Apply Symbology From Layer dialog specify block_group_byp as the Symbology Layer, and change the Target Field to the Metro Fusion field.
The class breaks from the block_group_byp layer are applied to the data in the block_group_metro_fusion layer. All you have to do now is change the Template and Background colors.
Since in this example block groups have households with either the Bright Young Professionals segment or the Metro Fusion segment—but not both—you can display both layers on the same map, making it easier for decision makers to compare where the target markets are located (otherwise, you’d display the two segments on separate maps).
To start, use the GenerateServiceAreas tool to create 1-minute walk areas around potential sites. GenerateServiceAreas requires point features as input so you’ll need to use Feature To Point create a layer of points from the potential sites.
The GenerateServiceAreas tool should already be in your Favorites list. If not, see the first step under Find the lots that meet the minimum requirements at the top of this workflow to see how to add the service.
For Facilities, specify the points layer you just created. Set Break Values to 1 and Break Units to Minutes. Open the Custom Travel Mode section and, under Restrictions, select Walking and clear all the other boxes. Then for Impedance specify Walk Time.
Now select the lots that are vacant, between 0.10 and 0.25 acres, and are within a 1-minute walk of a potential site—these are the suitable parking areas.
Starting with the layer containing all the lots in the city, use Select Layer By Location to eliminate the potential sites themselves. Set the Relationship to Contains, and check the Invert spatial relationship box to essentially make the relationship “does not contain.” The Selecting Features are the points you created from the potential sites layer.
Next, select from the currently selected lots those that are vacant and are the required size. Use the Group Clauses button to create a clause that selects lots that are between 0.1 and 0.25 acres.
The selected lots are those that are suitable for a parking area—there are 58. To save them, create a new layer and change the color to red, to distinguish the parking areas from the potential development sites.
Now you can identify the potential sites that have a suitable parking area within a 1-minute walk. First select the 1-minute walk areas that intersect a suitable parking area (remembering that all the suitable parking areas are within a 1-minute walk area, but not all the 1-minute walk areas necessarily contain a suitable parking area).
Then select the potential sites that are completely within one (or more) of the selected walk areas. 25 of the 33 potential site have a suitable parking area within a 1-minute walk.
Add a Field called ParkingNearby to the table for the potential sites (enter the Alias as Parking Nearby). Make it a Text type with a width of 10. Click Save on the Fields tab, then close the Fields view.
In the table for the potential sites layer, click the Calculate Field button and calculate ParkingNearby = ‘Yes’.
Now switch the selection to select the sites that do not have a suitable parking area within a 1-mile walk and calculate ParkingNearby = ‘No’. Finally, clear the selection. You can now map which sites have nearby parking (bright yellow) and which sites don’t (pale yellow).
Oregon Metro, Bureau of Land Management, State of Oregon, State of Oregon DOT, State of Oregon GEO, Esri, HERE, Garmin, GeoTechnologies, Inc., USGS, EPA |
Mixed Use Development Sites Case Study - Analysis Workflow using ArcGIS Pro
This story map walks you through the analysis workflow for finding potential sites for several residential/retail developments, as presented in the case study "Which lots are suitable sites for a mixed use development?"
Scroll down to view the analysis steps.
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Create a 3/4 mile walk area around light rail stops
The first part of the analysis uses a series of attribute and location selections to find the lots that meet these criteria:
Between 1/4 acre and 1/2 acre in size
Currently vacant or occupied by a gas station
Less than 3/4 of a mile from a light rail stop
Before doing the selections, create the ¾ mile walk zone around the light rail stops. To create a service area in ArcGIS Pro, you first need to add an ArcGIS server connection to access the GenerateServiceAreas tool. (In this project there is not an existing street network dataset—if there were, the ¾ mile walk zone could be created using the Network Analysis Service Area tool.) Learn more about adding an ArcGIS server connection.
Now, on the View tab, display the Project Pane, and open the GenerateServiceAreas tool (in the Servers folder).
Specify the Facilities as Light Rail Stop, the Break Values as 0.75, and the Break Units as miles. Open the Custom Travel Mode section and, under Restrictions, select Walking and clear all the other boxes. Then set Impedance to Travel Distance, and run the tool.
By default, the layer is named Service_Areas. Rename it to something meaningful, like ¾ mile walk area.
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Find the lots that meet the minimum requirements
Now you can select the lots that meet the minimum criteria. First use Select By Attributes (on the Map tab) to select the lots that are vacant by entering the clause “LANDUSE is Equal to VAC.” Learn more about using Select By Attributes.
Now use Select By Location to add lots that have a gas station on them. Be sure to set the Selection type to Add to the current selection. Learn more about using Select By Location.
Next, use Select By Location again to select the lots that are within the ¾-mile walking zones. This time set the Selection type to Select subset from the current selection.
Finally, use Select By Attributes to select the lots that are between 0.25 and 0.5 acres in size. Once again, set the Selection type to Select subset from the current selection.
80 lots meet the minimum requirements. Export the selected features to a new layer to make it easier to perform the rest of the analysis (by default only the currently selected features are exported).
Priority 1 lots are those that meet the minimum requirements and are in zones that allow mixed residential/retail developments. The ZONE code for these are CUC, DT, DC1, and DC2. Use Select by Attributes to create a subset of these zones.
When using Select by Location, there are a number of options for defining the spatial relationship between the target and source layers. The option you choose will impact the results of your analysis. In this example, the goal is to find lots that for all intents and purposes are inside the specified zone areas. Unfortunately “for all intents and purposes” is not one of the options. Within, Intersect, and Have their center in are all potential choices.
Next you’ll add a field to assign the priority value to the selected lots. Open the attribute table and click the New Field button to display the Fields view. In the bottom row enter Priority as the field name and set the type to Short.
On the Fields tab (at the top of the project window) click Save, then close the Fields view.
Now click the Calculate Field button in the Table view, and calculate the Priority value equal to 1.
The value of 1 will be assigned only for the eleven selected lots (the other lots will retain a value of <Null>).
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Identify the Priority 2 lots
Now find the Priority 2 lots. These are lots that meet the minimum requirements and are in a mixed use zone that does not allow mixed residential/retail developments, or are in another type of commercial zone that is adjacent to any type of mixed use zone. Use selection to create a subset of the applicable zones. Then find the lots that fall within these zones.
Start by selecting the mixed use zones. These have a REGZONE code of MUC1 or MUC2 (using the default selection type of New selection will clear the previously selected Priority 1 zones).
Now use Select by Location to add any zones that are adjacent to the selected mixed use zones. Set both the Input feature layer and the Selecting layer to Zoning. Then set the selection type to Add to Selection and the relationship to Boundary touches.
At this point, you have selected the mixed use zones, plus zones of any type that are adjacent to the mixed use zones. However, you want only the commercial zones that are adjacent to a mixed use zone. Use Select by Attributes to remove from the selected set any zones that are not commercial; that is, have a REGZONEGEN code not equal to COM (keeping in mind that the mixed use zones are also within the COM category). Set the selection type to Remove from the current selection.
You now almost have the zones you need to identify the Priority 2 sites. The currently selected zones include the zones containing the Priority 1 sites, since these zones are within the selected categories. So the remaining step is to remove them from the selected set, leaving the zones you’ll use to select the Priority 2 sites. There are a couple ways to do this. One straightforward way is to remove the zones that have one of the four Priority 1 ZONE codes: CUC, DT, DC1, or DC2.
Use the eraser symbol to clear the existing expression, then enter the new expression.
The selected set now comprises the zones you need. Use Select by Location to identify the potential sites that fall within these zones. For Relationship, specify Have their center in.
There are twenty-two sites. The last step for this part of the analysis is to assign the selected sites a Priority code of 2.
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Add the zoning codes to the potential sites
Adding the zoning codes to the potential sites will make it easier to compare the sites. First create a new layer containing the Priority 1 and 2 sites. Since the Priority 2 sites are currently selected use Select by Attributes to add the Priority 1 sites.
Finally, use Spatial Join to add the zoning codes to the potential sites. The zones you used to select the Priority 2 sites are still selected, so before continuing, clear the selection in the Zoning layer (open the attribute table and click the Clear Selection button).
On the Analysis tab, click the Tools icon, and search for Spatial Join.
The Target Features are the potential sites, and the Join Features are in the Zoning layer. By default, all the fields from the Zoning layer will be added to the potential sites. You only need to add the ZONE, DESCRIBE, and REGZONE fields, so in the Field Map of Join Features box, scroll down and select OBJECTID and REGZONEGEN and click the red X next to one of them to remove them both from the list. (Note that the list also includes the existing fields in the potential sites layer, which were inherited from the original Lots layer.) For Match Option choose Have their center in (a potential site that has its center in a particular zone will be assigned the attributes of that zone).
The record for each potential site now includes the zoning fields.
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Add the Tapestry data to the block groups
Use the Enrich Layer tool to add the Tapestry segment data to the block groups. Enrich Layer is on the Analysis toolbar—scroll down to display it.
Specify Block group as the Input Features, United States as the Country, and Tapestry Households as the Data Collection. Then under Variables, select the three segments of interest. Note that the Enrich Layer tool consumes ArcGIS Online credits. Learn more about using the Enrich Layer tool.
A new Block group layer is created containing the Tapestry segment values. To find out if there are any block groups with households in a particular segment, sort each Tapestry field in turn. If you use Sort Descending, you will immediately see whether any block groups have a value greater than 0.
In fact, there are block groups containing households in the Bright Young Professionals and Metro Fusion segments, but none containing households in the Young and Restless segment.
To map the block groups based on the number of households in the Bright Young Professionals segment, select the block groups with a value greater than 0 for this field.
Export the features to a new layer. Since only the selected features are exported, you’ll be able to map the block groups containing households in the Bright Young Professionals segment, without displaying the block groups containing no households in this segment.
You can now display the block groups by the number of households in the two segments. When you create the new layers, the symbology defaults to Single Symbol (the polygons are shaded using the same color). You’ll use graduated symbols (circles) to display the block groups using five classes. The class breaks for the two layers need to be the same so you can easily compare the two segments. However, by default, classes are based on the range of values in a field. The values for the Bright Young Professionals segment range from a low of 259 households to a high of 1813 households, while the values for the Metro Fusion segment range from 490 to 910, so the default classes for the two layers will be different. You’ll create custom classes and make them the same for both layers. Learn more about using graduated symbols.
Open the Symbology dialog for the Bright Young Professionals layer and specify the Symbology as Graduated Symbols, the Field as the Bright Young Professionals field, and the Method as Manual Interval. Now edit the class breaks and change them to 400, 800, 1200, 1600, and 2000. If desired, change the minimum and maximum size, template, background, and labels.
Now change the symbology for the Metro Fusion block group layer. Specify Metro Fusion for the Field and make the rest of the settings the same as for the Bright Young Professionals layer. Use a different color for the circles. An efficient way to do this is to import the sybmology from the block_group_byp layer. On the menu in the Symbology dialog specify Import symbology. Then in the Apply Symbology From Layer dialog specify block_group_byp as the Symbology Layer, and change the Target Field to the Metro Fusion field.
The class breaks from the block_group_byp layer are applied to the data in the block_group_metro_fusion layer. All you have to do now is change the Template and Background colors.
Since in this example block groups have households with either the Bright Young Professionals segment or the Metro Fusion segment—but not both—you can display both layers on the same map, making it easier for decision makers to compare where the target markets are located (otherwise, you’d display the two segments on separate maps).
To start, use the GenerateServiceAreas tool to create 1-minute walk areas around potential sites. GenerateServiceAreas requires point features as input so you’ll need to use Feature To Point create a layer of points from the potential sites.
The GenerateServiceAreas tool should already be in your Favorites list. If not, see the first step under Find the lots that meet the minimum requirements at the top of this workflow to see how to add the service.
For Facilities, specify the points layer you just created. Set Break Values to 1 and Break Units to Minutes. Open the Custom Travel Mode section and, under Restrictions, select Walking and clear all the other boxes. Then for Impedance specify Walk Time.
Now select the lots that are vacant, between 0.10 and 0.25 acres, and are within a 1-minute walk of a potential site—these are the suitable parking areas.
Starting with the layer containing all the lots in the city, use Select Layer By Location to eliminate the potential sites themselves. Set the Relationship to Contains, and check the Invert spatial relationship box to essentially make the relationship “does not contain.” The Selecting Features are the points you created from the potential sites layer.
Next, select from the currently selected lots those that are vacant and are the required size. Use the Group Clauses button to create a clause that selects lots that are between 0.1 and 0.25 acres.
The selected lots are those that are suitable for a parking area—there are 58. To save them, create a new layer and change the color to red, to distinguish the parking areas from the potential development sites.
Now you can identify the potential sites that have a suitable parking area within a 1-minute walk. First select the 1-minute walk areas that intersect a suitable parking area (remembering that all the suitable parking areas are within a 1-minute walk area, but not all the 1-minute walk areas necessarily contain a suitable parking area).
Then select the potential sites that are completely within one (or more) of the selected walk areas. 25 of the 33 potential site have a suitable parking area within a 1-minute walk.
Add a Field called ParkingNearby to the table for the potential sites (enter the Alias as Parking Nearby). Make it a Text type with a width of 10. Click Save on the Fields tab, then close the Fields view.
In the table for the potential sites layer, click the Calculate Field button and calculate ParkingNearby = ‘Yes’.
Now switch the selection to select the sites that do not have a suitable parking area within a 1-mile walk and calculate ParkingNearby = ‘No’. Finally, clear the selection. You can now map which sites have nearby parking (bright yellow) and which sites don’t (pale yellow).