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Find parcels that are...

Marketing division has identified this metropolitan region as one of several likely candidates for expansion. To make the expansion viable, a regional distribution center will be required. Logistics division has identified minimum criteria for the center, and Real Estate division has undertaken a GIS analysis to identify potential sites. We have focused the initial search for the center on this city as they are offering favorable incentives. 


...within a mile of a highway...

Goal: Minimize truck travel on neighborhood streets. This will increase efficiency by reducing travel times to stores as well as reducing complaints from nearby residents.


...and are not in a flood zone...

Goal: Minimize damage to structures, equipment, trucks, and merchandise, and avoid delivery disruptions due to storms.


...and are at least 20 acres...

Goal: Provide ample space for 400,000 square foot facility with parking for 100 employees, while maintaining space for future expansion.


...and are vacant.

Goal: Reduce purchase and construction costs by eliminating parcels with existing structures.

Action item: Real Estate division will evaluate the four suitable parcels in terms of cost and feasibility of acquisition.
Action item: Logistics division and Facilities division will evaluate the four suitable parcels in terms of site conditions, access, and development potential.
Find parcels that are...
...within a mile of a highway...
...and are not in a flood zone...
...and are at least 20 acres...
...and are vacant.
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