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Selecting a location for the new fire station
This story map was created to accompany a hypothetical case study showing the use of Location-Allocation analysis for siting a facility. Click the link on the header bar to view the case study.
Due to decreased tax revenues and steep budget cuts in recent years, all capital improvement projects have been on hold. However, with the safety of citizens foremost in their minds, the city council have budgeted for the construction of one new fire station in the coming fiscal year. City staff were tasked with finding the optimum location for the new station.
This map shows the city boundary along with the locations of the three existing fire stations and schools within the city limits. Click a fire station or school to identify it.
View the other tabs to see how the proposed location was selected.
Areas currently within a four-minute drive time of a fire station
The areas in red show which parts of the city are currently within a four-minute drive time of a fire station. Some areas in the south are within four minutes of two stations while other areas, mainly in the east and north, are more than four minutes from a station. The goal of siting the new station is to increase as much as possible the area of the city within a four-minute drive time of a station (the four-minute drive time is derived from a standard developed by the National Fire Protection Association).
The drive time areas were calculated by computer, taking into account the travel speed along streets, the time required for a fire truck to traverse an intersection or make a turn, and the steepness of streets.
Areas within four minutes of a fire station after the new station is built
With the new station located at the proposed site (purple square), the portion of the city within four minutes of a fire station increases substantially. However, some areas are still more than four minutes from a station.
Finding potential sites for the new fire station
The city council directed staff to look for lots that are already owned by the city and are vacant, in order to avoid purchase and demolition costs. The vacant, city-owned sites had to have several other characteristics to be viable locations for a fire station: at least two acres in size; on gentle slopes; outside of flood zones, dam inundation zones, and environmentally sensitive areas; near a major street; more than a mile from an existing fire station; and more than 1000 feet from a school or library.
Using computer maps and analysis, city staff identified eight lots that met the minimum requirements. They then performed additional computer analysis to identify which combination of four fire station locations--the three existing fire stations plus one of the eight potential sites--most improved the coverage of the city within a four-minute drive time of a fire station. Three measures were used: the total population covered, the total value of structures covered, and the total miles of streets covered.
The analysis identified the site that, in conjunction with the existing fire stations, resulted in the greatest improvement in coverage of population. This site and another, adjacent site were comparable on the other two measures. The site that scored best on covering the population of the city is the proposed location for the new station. The subsequent tabs detail the improvement in coverage should the new fire station be built at this site. (While the other lots met the minimum requirements for the location of the new station, they did not improve the coverage of population, property, and streets to the extent that the proposed site does.)
Population density
This map shows the number of people per square mile, by census block. Most of the people in the city live on the west side.
The primary mission of the fire department is the protection of lives. Hence the first measure used to select the location for the new station was the total number of people living within four minutes of a fire station. Currently, the area within four minutes of a station includes 57% of the city's population. That will increase to 67% if the new station is built at the proposed site.
Property value
This map shows the value per square foot of tax parcels in the city. High property values tend to occur near the city center, in the business park at the southern edge of the city, and in pockets through the middle of the city.
The fire department is tasked with preventing, or limiting, monetary losses due to fire by being able to respond quickly. The second measure used to select the location for the new station was the total value of structures covered within four minutes of a fire station. Currently, the area within four minutes of a fire station includes 52% of the total property value in the city. That will increase to 60% if the new station is built at the proposed site.
City streets
Not surprisingly, most streets are in the city's developed southern and central areas, with fewer streets in the north and east.
Streets represent access to emergencies at homes and businesses. In addition, some emergencies (such as traffic accidents) occur along streets. The third measure used to select the location for the new station was the total miles of streets covered within four minutes of a fire station. Currently, the area within four minutes of a station includes 52% of the total miles of streets. That will increase to 62% if the new station is built at the proposed site.