Exp 53: #1World1Orbit Event
GMT: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:22:58
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Astros' #1World1Orbit tweets
Sergey Ryazanskiy
Paolo Nespoli
Randy Bresnik
Mark T. Vande Hei
non-Astro contributor
ISS Location (1-min delay)
Using the map:
  • Left-click any pin for more details;
  • Move map around (ie pan): hold down left mouse and drag;
  • Zoom with mouse wheel;
  • In popup, if you see a small triangle to right of pic, click for link to hi-res original.

From NASA's Facebook page, "“Around the World in 90 Minutes” is a chance for you to share your view of the world while we share ours from 250 miles/400 km above the surface. On Monday October 23, 2017, from 8:25 a.m. to 10:05 a.m. ET, we will capture imagery of our incredible planet during an entire orbit from the perspective of the International Space Station.  We encourage you, our terrestrial friends, to join us and contribute imagery from your vantage point using the hashtag #1world1orbit."

The mapping technology is hosted by Esri; the icon locations are maintained in two ArcGIS Online Feature Services. The "astro/cosmo pins" are updated with a python program; pictures shared by Earthlings are managed within a Survey123 for ArcGIS form.

As a background, this map uses a graphic supplied by NASA and Esri's dark grey basemap.

The "moving ISS icon" is updated every minute for ISS location. This is maintained by a separate feature service also updated via python. (Occasionally, that process "is down" for a short while.)

More maps: see https://isspix.com/MapTourHowTo

Students use this as an idea-starter upon which to model their assignments / projects; they were involved in creating this map.

Map content is a work in progress; map format/Details last edited 22 Oct 2017; comments welcome at David.MacLean@nscc.ca or @DaveAtCOGS.

(My mantra: "a picture is worth 1000 words; a map is worth 1000 pictures; a GIS is worth 1000 maps")