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This map package contains a template feature class to generate a location tracking layer in Portal for ArcGIS which can be leveraged by Collector for ArcGIS. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Apr 17, 2013 Item updated: May 27, 2020 Number of downloads: 3,660

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Here are the steps to publish a location tracking layer in Portal for ArcGIS 10.4.1, and then create a web map with location tracking enabled. To learn how to complete these steps using ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 and later, see Publish the tracking layer in the Collector for ArcGIS help. 

Publish the tracking layer:

  1. Download the location tracking feature layer template (i.e. click the Download button above).
  2. Open the map package in ArcGIS Desktop and import the location tracking feature class to your enterprise geodatabase. Make sure editor tracking is enabled on your imported feature class and that the appropriate fields are specified for edits (hint: use the Editor Tracking tab within Feature Class properties).
  3. In the map contents, point the location tracking layer to the new (imported) feature class in your enterprise geodatabase.
  4. In ArcGIS Desktop, sign in using an account that has been granted publishing privileges and publish a feature service or hosted feature layer for location tracking. Configure the feature service (or layer) to Create and Query only. To learn more about editor tracking, see Enable editor tracking on a feature layer in the Portal for ArcGIS help.
(Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 only) Add the location tracking feature service to your content:
If using Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1, you need to add the location tracking feature service to your content. If you are using a later version of Portal for ArcGIS, this is handled for you, so skip these steps.
  1. Sign in to your Portal for ArcGIS using the same credentials you used when publishing the service, and navigate to My Content.
  2. Click Add Item, choose From the web, and provide the URL to your location tracking feature service.
  3. Click Add Item.

Create a web map and enable location tracking:

  1. Log into the ArcGIS Portal Directory using the same account you used to publish the location tracking template. For example, https://machine.domain/webadaptorname/sharing/login.
  2. Navigate to User Content
  3. Find the Location Tracking feature service item, and open its item page
  4. Under Supported operations, click Update Item
  5. In the Type Keywords text box replace the existing text with: ArcGIS Server, Collector, Data, Feature Access, Feature Service, Location Tracking, Service 
  6. Click Update Item.
  7. Sign in to your Portal for ArcGIS using the same credentials you used when publishing the service, and navigate to My Content.
  8. Add the Location Tracking feature service item to your map and click Save.
  9. From the web map item details, click Edit.
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the page, configure the desired log interval, and click Save.

You are now ready to use the map in Collector and track where collectors go

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Comments (11)

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NSWRFS Item Owner commented 7 years ago Delete Reply

Link to "Publish the tracking layer" should be

Scott.Fierro Item Owner commented 9 years ago Delete Reply

No, there is no way to solve this and it is an enhancement that ESRI needs to make within AGO. Essentially, when using your own server service in AGO the option for #5 & 6 in this workflow under "add tracking layer to map" are not available and so it can't be done. #5 Click the Edit button to enable editing of the map's properties. #6 In the Properties section, enable the Track Location feature of the Application Settings.

fblanchard_morris_nj_us Item Owner commented 9 years ago Delete

I have just come across this road block today. I wonder why this avenue has not been addressed yet?

[Deleted User] Item Owner commented 9 years ago Delete Reply

Has anybody solved the issue of publishing to ArcGIS Server and using in AGO?

hmelendez Item Owner commented 10 years ago Delete Reply

Please expand on step 4: To be able to populate the editor tracking fields with your field crew members you will need to enable token security on your service and <b>add the correct roles</b>. What are the correct roles? Does my ArcGIS Server needs to be federated or registered as a hosting server?

NSWRFS Item Owner commented 10 years ago Delete Reply

Opps, there goes the formatting of the post :/

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