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Web Mapping Application
Item created: Mar 31, 2011 Item updated: Oct 4, 2013 View count: 10,250
ArcPy.Mapping is a Python module added to ArcGIS 10. It lets you manipulate map documents and layer files through scripting. You can use ArcPy.Mapping in combination with ArcGIS Server to create Geoprocessing Services.
In this example, we combine ArcPy.Mapping with Data Driven Pages to create a Strip Map geoprocessing service. Simply draw a line in the map, and a multi-page pdf map document will be created. Each page in the document will include a small portion of the line. A terrain profile for the mapped portion of your line will also be included in the output page.
The source code is included for both the web application and the python script. Have a look at the live app, or this video, then feel free to download the source code and set it up with your own data.
To learn more about ArcPy.Mapping and ArcGIS Server: http://blogs.esri.com/Dev/blogs/arcgisserver/archive/2011/04/12/An-introduction-to-arcpy.mapping-for-ArcGIS-Server-developers.aspx
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Size: 0 KB
ID: 3a790cd717514f4689ae197c79205805
Image Count: 0
API: JavaScript
Purpose: Code Sample
Image Properties
Layer Drawing
Using tiles from a cache
Dynamically from data
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Comments (1)
At version 10.1, we added the ConvertWebMapToMapDocument function to arcpy.mapping to support high quality web map printing and exporting in web applications. To get you started using the new function, we published two tutorials that demonstrate workflows such as outputing printer-friendly PDF documents containing high-quality vector output for service layers: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#/Tutorial_Basic_high_quality_web_map_printing_exporting_using_arcpy_mapping/0057000000mr000000/ http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#/Tutorial_Advanced_high_quality_webmap_printing_exporting_using_arcpy_mapping/0057000000mq000000/