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Watershed determines the contributing area above each input point based on ArcGIS Online hosted elevation data. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Geoprocessing Service from

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Item created: Jul 4, 2013 Item updated: Aug 3, 2021 View count: 10,584

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Watershed works with either interactively contributing points or by specifying a layer containing points. Watershed has several optional parameters:
  • Point Identification Field: A string or integer field that supplies a name or ID to each point.
  • Snap Distance: This is the maximum distance that an input point can be moved by the tool. Interactively contributed points or gauge locations may not be exactly coincident with stream locations in the elevation model. The service will move points to be optimally located relative to the flows in the elevation model if they are not already there.
  • Snap Distance Units: The units of measurement for the Snap Distance.
  • Source Database: Available source databases include US30m National Elevation Dataset (NED) for the continental United States (US Geological Survey, 2010-2011), US10m National Elevation Dataset (NED) for Hawaii, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands, and the 90m HydroSHEDS for the world between 60 degrees North and 56 degrees South, plus some areas in Canada and Alaska north of 60 degrees. Please refer to the locator map for detailed information about available areas. Additional areas and resolutions will be available in the future.
  • Input Features: The maximum number of input features is 100.
Esri processed the source data to derive additional layers required to support high performance and scalable watershed delineation and downstream trace tasks. The source data were the same elevation, Hydrologic Unit boundaries, streams and waterbodies that were used by the Environmental Protection Agency and US Geological Survey to produce NHDPlus V2.1. Sinks were filled unless they fell within a Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) closed basin, ensuring that flow will only terminate in endorheic regions. The Esri hydroconditioning process differs from the NHDPlus V2.1 process; therefore the resulting watershed delineations and downstream traces do not always match those from NHDPlus V2.1.  

To learn more, read the developer documentation for Watershed.

An in-depth description of the item is not available.


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This work is licensed under the Esri Master License Agreement.

Important Note: This item requires an ArcGIS Online organizational subscription or an ArcGIS Developer account and does not consume credits. To access this item, you'll need to do one of the following:
  • Sign in with an account that is a member of an organizational subscription
  • Sign in with a developer account
  • Register an application and use your application's credentials.
If you don't have an account, you can sign up for a free trial of ArcGIS or a free ArcGIS Developer account.

No special restrictions or limitations on using the item's content have been provided.

Comments (6)

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gavin.lemley@dec.ny.gov_nysdec Item Owner commented 6 years ago Delete Reply

I am having the same issue as keithaddison, where the downloaded .pitem file does nothing beyond opening ArcMap. Is there any documentation on running this? Thanks.

keithaddison Item Owner commented 7 years ago Delete Reply

The ArcGIS file handler item linked under the top "Open in ArcGIS Desktop" button is doing nothing when I try to open/run it. How do I get this to work?

Foothillforestry Item Owner commented 7 years ago Delete Reply

Is it possible to use the Hydrology Analysis Tool with a different elevation dataset, e.g., a 2 or 20-foot contour layer based on LIDAR data?

sathini Item Owner commented 9 years ago Delete Reply

Is there any way to get free arc gis software for a 2 months to learn

HydroTeamRC Item Owner commented 11 years ago Delete Reply

Thank you for your comment. You need to login using an ArcGIS Online Organization Account to use these services. If you login with an AGOL account that is not part of an organization, you will only have access to the Profile geoprocessing service. I would check with your GIS Admin to make sure you have an AGOL Organizational Account.

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          Source: USGS, EPA, Esri, WBD, NHD, WWF

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