Using the 1984-2018 Burned Area layer, we examine the number of recurrent fires that have occurred and describe those areas by environmental and demographic composition. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
Web Map
Item created: Oct 2, 2020 Item updated: Jan 17, 2024 View count: 5,192
The USGS and US Forest Service provide an updating archive of areas in the USA that have burned from wildland fires (wildfire, prescribed burns, etc). That data is available in Living Atlas as the USA Fire Burned Areas 1984 - 2018 layer.
The USA Fire Burned Areas 1984 - 2018 layer was analyzed in ArcGIS Pro to identify which areas have had recurrent fires. This was done using the Count Overlapping Features geoprocessing tool. The results of that analysis were then enriched with several other layers.
- NLCD Land Cover for the year 2016 (latest data) using the Zonal Histogram geoprocessing tool.
- USA Croplands for the year 2018 (latest data) and MoBI Imperiled Species Richness using Zonal Statistics as Table geoprocessing tool.
- ACS Demographic data for population, households, and businesses was added using Enrich tools.
In this web map, the USA Wildland Fire Potential layer has been included for added content. This layer does require an ArcGIS Online subscription.
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Size: 8.092 KB
ID: 92b69ab167cd4bb0a595ed2e17b2efd9
Image Count: 0
Image Properties
Layer Drawing
Using tiles from a cache
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wildfire, NLCD, fire, cropland, crops, population, demographic
Credits (Attribution)
No acknowledgements.Esri
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