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A collection of geoprocessing tools designed for the LAS Dataset. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Geoprocessing sample by

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Item created: Jan 7, 2012 Item updated: Nov 6, 2013 Number of downloads: 4,363

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This sample contains a Python toolbox (*.pyt) that features the following geoprocessing tools:
  • Define LAS Projection: Creates an auxiliary *.prj file that defines the coordinate system for a given LAS file. The prj file shares the name of its corresponding LAS file & will reside in the same directory. The LAS file is not modified, and any spatial reference information stored in its header is preserved. The new coordinate system information is only recognized in ArcGIS, and will take precedence over the spatial reference stored in the LAS header. This tool is useful for overcoming spatial reference mistakes in the LAS file header.
  • Remove LAS Projection: A quick and easy tool to remove the prj file associated with one or more LAS files.
  • Mosaic to LAS Dataset: Creates a LAS dataset using LAS files referenced by a mosaic dataset. If a mosaic layer is provided, its selections will be honored. The mosaic dataset can be queried to specify subsets of its data.  Additionally, the mosaic footprint can be exported as a clip polygon to define the LAS dataset's data area.  This tool may be useful in cases where the mosaic dataset serves as a repository of LAS files, but only a subset of the files are needed for additional analysis or QA/QC operations.
These tools are being phased out. The ability to create a *.prj has been moved into the 'LAS Custom GP tools' located on the 3D Resource Center. 

For any questions, please contact

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Terms of Use

  • Minimum ArcGIS Version: 10.1
  • ArcGIS Standard or 3D/Spatial Analyst license is required for Mosaic To LAS Dataset.

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Comments (1)

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3DGISTeam Item Owner commented 11 years ago Delete Reply

These tools are being phased out. The ability to create a *.prj has been moved into the 'LAS Custom GP tools' located on the 3D Resource Center.

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