These maps show different ways to utilize the ArcGIS Platform to map Census data in interesting and powerful ways.
This map shows the population of the US by race. This is shown by dot density, where each dot represents multiple people. The pattern is shown using American Community Survey (ACS) data by state…
Race in the US by Dot Density
Web Map
This map shows if owner-occupied housing, rented housing, or vacant housing is more prevalent in an area. This national data is from the most current American Community Survey (ACS) estimates fo…
Owned, Rented, or Vacant Housing Units
Web Map
This map shows the predominant single race citizens age 18+ in the United States and Puerto Rico. The map is available for states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
Predominant Single Ethnicity Adult Citizen Population
Web Map
This map shows the change in total population in the United States between the 2000 and 2010 Census. Shown by state, county, tract, and block group.
2000-2010 Population Change in the United States
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of the population in the USA that classify themselves as Hispanic according to the 2010 Census. The map shows this pattern for states, counties, tracts, and block g…
2010 Hispanic Population in the USA
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of the population in the USA that classify themselves as Black/African American according to the 2010 Census. The map shows this pattern for states, counties, tract…
2010 Black Population in the USA
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of Black or African American (Non-Hispanic or Latino) population throughout the US according to the most current American Community Survey (ACS). The pattern is sho…
Black or African American Population in the US (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map shows the percent change in family households in the United States from 2000 to 2010. The map is available for states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
2000-2010 Change in Family Households in the United States
Web Map
This map shows the diversity index of the population in the USA in 2010 by state, county, tract, and block group.
2010 Diversity Index in the United States
Web Map
This map shows the change in owner-occupied housing units in the United States between the 2000 and 2010 Census. Shown by state, county, tract, and block group.
2000-2010 Change in Owner-Occupied Housing
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of the population in the USA that classify themselves as American-Indian/Alaskan according to the 2010 Census. The map shows this pattern for states, counties, trac…
2010 American-Indian/Alaskan Population in the USA
Web Map
This map shows the change in renter-occupied housing units in the United States between the 2000 and 2010 Census. Shown by state, county, tract, and block group.
2000-2010 Change in Renter-Occupied Housing
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of the population in the USA that classify themselves as Asian according to the 2010 Census. The map shows this pattern for states, counties, tracts, and block grou…
2010 Asian Population in the USA
Web Map
This map shows the average household size in the United States in 2010. The pattern can be seen at the state, county, tract, and block group levels.
2010 Average Household Size in the United States
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of the population in the USA that classify themselves as Pacific Islander according to the 2010 Census. The map shows this pattern for states, counties, tracts, and…
2010 Pacific Islander Population in the USA
Web Map
This map shows the median age in the United States based on the 2010 Census. The map is available for states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
2010 Median Age in the United States
Web Map
This map shows where housing is owned with a mortgage/loan in the USA in 2010. This pattern is shown for states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
2010 Housing Owned with a Mortgage in the United States
Web Map
This map shows where housing is owned free and clear (no mortgage) in the USA in 2010. This pattern is shown for states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
2010 Housing Owned Free and Clear in the United States
Web Map
This map depicts whether each neighborhood contains more housing that is occupied by owners, renters, or is vacant.
Owners, Renters or Vacant in 2010?
Web Map
This map shows the predominant race by various geographies in the United States in 2010. The map shows this pattern by states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
Predominant Population Race (2010)
Web Map
This layer contains the Voting Age Population (18+) by Citizenship and Race from the 2012-2016 ACS survey.
Citizen Voting Age Population by Race and Ethnicity
Feature Service
This map shows the percentage of Hispanic or Latino population throughout the US according to the most current American Community Survey (ACS). The pattern is shown by state, county, and tracts.
Hispanic or Latino Population in the US (Current ACS)
Web Map
Explore this map to see if your area grew or declined in population from 2000 to 2010.
Gauging Population Change
Web Map
This map shows the predominant non white or Hispanic citizens age 18+ in the United States and Puerto Rico. The map is available for states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
Predominant Non White or Hispanic Adult Citizen Population
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of Asian (Non-Hispanic or Latino) population throughout the US according to the most current American Community Survey (ACS). The pattern is shown by state, county,…
Asian Population in the US (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map shows the median household income for the US by states, counties, and tracts. The data comes from the most current American Community Survey (ACS) estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau …
What is the median household income in the US? (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map displays the most represented European ancestry in each county in the U.S. using American Community Survey (ACS) data from the Census.
European Ancestry in the United States
Web Map
This map highlights where self response rates were higher: 2010 or 2020. Data is from the U.S. Census Bureau, and is available for state, county, place, tract, American Indian area, and congress…
Were self-response rates higher for the 2010 or 2020 Census?
Web Map
This map shows households within high ($200,000 or more) and low (less than $25,000) annual income ranges. This is shown for state, county, and tract centroids throughout the United States. The …
Where are the highest and lowest incomes in the US?
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of White (Non-Hispanic or Latino) population throughout the US according to the most current American Community Survey (ACS). The pattern is shown by state, county,…
White Population in the US (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map highlights areas across the entire US where the Black/African American population does not have an internet subscription in their household. This is shown by states, counties, and tract…
Where do Black or African Americans not have an internet subscription at home?
Web Map
This map shows where the adult population doesn't speak English very well. This is shown for states, counties, and tracts throughout the entire US. The data is from the most current 5-year estim…
Where are adults with limited English ability?
Web Map
In this story map, we'll take a look at national population shift patterns and explore why certain cities grew or shrank at such considerable levels.
Gauging U.S. Population Change 2000 to 2010
Web Mapping Application
This map shows the percentage of American Indian or Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic or Latino) population throughout the US according to the most current American Community Survey (ACS). The pattern…
American Indian or Alaska Native Population in the US (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map shows the socioeconomic status of each census tract. Data come from the US Census Bureau's 2011-2015 American Community Survey.
Socioeconomic Status (NSES Index) by Census Tract, 2011-2015
Web Map
This map shows where youth (under age of 18) have a computer, but no internet subscription for the household. This is shown using the most recent American Community Survey (ACS) data at the stat…
Where are youth who don't have access to internet?
Web Map
This map shows where youth (under age of 18) do not have access to a computer in their household. This is shown using the most recent American Community Survey (ACS) data at the state, county, a…
Where are youth who don't have access to a computer?
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of the population that are some other race (Non-Hispanic or Latino) population as defined by the Census throughout the US according to the most current American Co…
Population who are Some Other Race in the US (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (Non-Hispanic or Latino) population throughout the US according to the most current American Community Survey (ACS). The patte…
Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Population in the US (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map shows both the percentage and count of households who have a cellular data plan as their only form of internet service. Data comes from the most current American Community Survey (ACS) …
Households with cellular as their only internet subscription
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of the population that are two or more races (Non-Hispanic or Latino) population throughout the US according to the most current American Community Survey (ACS). Th…
Population who are Two or More Races in the US (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map shows Justice40 initiative Census tracts which are considered disadvantaged or partially disadvantaged. This is overlaid with the most recent American Community Survey (ACS) race and et…
Justice40 Disadvantaged or Partially Disadvantaged Tracts by Race/Ethnicity (Archive)
Web Map
This map shows where people have Medicaid or means-tested healthcare coverage in the US (ages under 65). This is shown by State, County, and Census Tract, and uses the most current ACS 5-year es…
Where do People Have Medicaid/Means-Tested Healthcare?
Web Map
This map shows the predominant type of heating fuel mostly used in housing units throughout the United States. The pattern is seen at the state, county, and Census tract level. The data is from …
What is the predominant type of fuel used to heat homes?
Web Map
This map shows the predominant income range of households in the US by states, counties, and tracts. The data are the most current 5-year estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS) branc…
What is the predominant income range in the US?
Web Map
This map shows the percent of households with no internet access. Pop-up shows counts of households by type of internet access. The pattern is shown by states, counties, and tracts, and comes fr…
Where are households without internet in relation to population settlement?
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of the population in the USA that classify themselves as White according to the 2010 Census. The map shows this pattern for states, counties, tracts, and block grou…
2010 White Population in the USA
Web Map
This map shows if Black or African American householders are more likely to be owners or renters. This is shown for the entire US by states, counties, and tracts. The data comes from the most cu…
Do Black or African Americans own or rent their housing?
Web Map
This map shows the non-white predominant race by various geographies in the United States in 2010. The map shows this pattern by states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
Non-White Predominant Population Race (2010)
Web Map
This map show total housing units in the United States in 2010. This is shown for states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
2010 Total Housing Units
Web Map
This map shows where there are senior population (ages 65 and up) in the US. This is shown by states, counties, and tracts. The data is from the most current American Community Survey (ACS) from…
Senior Population 65 and Over (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of the population in the USA that classify themselves as two or more races according to the 2010 Census. The map shows this pattern for states, counties, tracts, an…
2010 Population with Two or More Races in the USA
Web Map
This map shows the location of multi-generational households in the United States in 2010. Multigenerational households contain three or more generations living together. The map shows this patt…
Multigenerational Households in the USA (2010)
Web Map
This map shows the United States, with each neighborhood shaded by the colors found on the Monopoly game board. Colors are assigned by answering a simple question: which group of home values con…
Monopoly Map USA
Web Map
Explore this map to see if your area grew or declined in population from 2000 to 2010.
Gauging Population Change - Minimalist App
Web Mapping Application
This map shows the percentage of people without health insurance in the U.S. by state and county, from American Community Survey 5-year estimates: 2011-2015.
Population Without Health Insurance by State and County, 2011-2015
Web Map
Explore factors related to the major digital divide facing the US. Using the most current American Community Survey (ACS) data, explore population without computers or internet by income, educat…
Evaluating the Digital Divide in the US with ACS
This map shows the percentage of housing units that are renter-occupied. The data comes from the most current American Community Survey (ACS) data offered by the U.S. Census Bureau. The map show…
Where do people rent in the US?
Web Map
This map shows the intersection of two datasets to evaluate unserved areas for broadband: American Community Survey (ACS) figures for households without broadband internet, and FCC Census blocks…
Where are households without Broadband and without speeds of 25/3?
Web Map
This map shows where children do not have health insurance in the United States. The pattern is shown by states, counties, and tracts throughout the US. The data comes from the most current Amer…
Where are the uninsured youth in the US?
Web Map
This map shows where children live with only their mother, who is also in the labor force. The pattern can be seen throughout the entire US by states, counties, and tracts. The data comes from t…
Where are children with a single working mother?
Web Map
This map shows the predominant type of health insurance for the population under 19. The data is from the American Community Survey and is shown nationwide for states, counties, and tracts.
What is the predominant type of health insurance coverage for children?
Web Map
This map shows where there are youth (population under the age of 18) in the US. This is shown by states, counties, and tracts. The data is from the most current American Community Survey (ACS) …
Youth Population Under 18 (Current ACS)
Web Map
This map shows the percent of family households in the United States with a female householder. This is represented as a percent, and is shown for states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
Female Householder of Family Households (2010)
Web Map
This map shows the percentage of housing units that are owner-occupied. The data comes from the most current American Community Survey (ACS) data offered by the U.S. Census Bureau. The map shows…
Where do people own their homes in the US?
Web Map
This map shows the percentage and count of housing units in the US that are owned with a mortgage. The data is represented at the state, county, and tract level, and comes from the most current …
How many housing units are owned with a mortgage?
Web Map
This map shows the percent of households where there are more cars than people in the household. This is shown throughout the US by state, county, and tract. The data is from the most current 5-…
Where are households with more cars than people?
Web Map
This map depicts whether each neighborhood contained more housing in 2010 or in 2000. The data compares the 2010 and 2000 Census counts of housing units at state, count, tract and block level.
Declining Home Ownership 2000 to 2010 in CA District 37
Web Map
This web map shows the median age of the population in the US by states, counties, and tracts. This multi-scale map is powered by U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estima…
USA Median Age (current year ACS)
Web Map
This map shows the percent of family households in the United States with a male householder. This is represented as a percent, and is shown for states, counties, tracts, and block groups.
Male Householder of Family Households (2010)
Web Map
This map shows the change in total housing units in the United States between the 2000 and 2010 Census. Shown by state, county, tract, and block group.
Change in Housing Between 2000 and 2010
Web Map
This map shows the percentage and count of housing units in the US that are owned without a mortgage. The data is represented at the state, county, and tract level, and comes from American Commu…
How many housing units are owned outright?
Web Map
This map shows Hispanic citizens age 18+ in the United States. The map is available for states and counties.
Hispanic Adult Voting Population
Web Map
For comparision in this map, the purple counties have greater income inequality, while orange counties have less inequality of incomes.
Income Inequality in U.S. Counties
Web Mapping Application
This map emphasizes areas where the self-response rate for the 2020 Census was lowest. This is shown by states, counties, places, tracts, congressional districts, and American Indian Areas.
Where didn't people self-respond to the 2020 Census?
Web Map
This map shows both population density and the count of total population, for block groups, tracts, counties and states.
🙏 Population and Population Density map 🙏
Web Map
This example map shows how to use U.S. Census Bureau TIGERweb REST services in a useful map. The map shows the simple count of housing units throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico, at tract, block …
Housing Units and Population Counts from TIGERweb
Web Map
This map shows the percent of population who are considered dependent. This includes the population under 18 years old and those who are aged 65 or older. The pattern is shown by states, countie…
USA Dependent Population: Under 18 and 65 (current year ACS)
Web Map
This map depicts whether each neighborhood contains more housing that is occupied by owners, renters, or is vacant.
Owners, Renters or Vacant? - Hunting for Patterns
Web Map
This map tour shows the rates of uninsured residents of eight US counties from 2011-2015.
A Map Tour of Eight Counties' Health Insurance Status, 2011-2015
Web Mapping Application
This application shows the United States, with each neighborhood shaded by the colors found on the Monopoly game board. Colors are assigned by answering a simple question: which group of home va…
Monopoly Map USA
Web Mapping Application
This app displays the most represented European ancestry in each county in the U.S. using American Community Survey (ACS) data from the Census.
European Ancestry in the United States
Web Mapping Application
This application compares who heads the household throughout the USA. Is it mostly male, or mostly female? Explore the country by state, county, tract, and block group patterns.
Head of Household Comparison
Web Mapping Application
This map depicts whether each neighborhood contains more housing that is occupied by owners, renters, or is vacant.
Declining Home Ownership 2000 to 2010
Web Map
Share of Multigenerational households (3 or more generations living together), 2010
Share of Multigenerational households, 2010
Web Map
This map shows which age group is the predominant group of renters.
Age of Renters
Web Map
This map illustrates areas where women outnumber men (or, vice-versa), for the age group 35-39 years old. The map shows patterns from neighborhood scales up to national.
Where Women Outnumber Men (Age 35-39)
Web Map
Female householders are most often found in families, but this map also shows those areas where they are most numerous as part of non-family households, or living alone.
Female Householders in or out of Families
Web Map
This map depicts whether each neighborhood contains more housing that is occupied by owners, renters, or is vacant.
Owned Free and Clear, Mortgaged, Rented and Vacant
Web Map
Surprisingly strong patterns emerge from this map of renters by their age group.