Many datasets contain a date or time field, but showing them in the map can be a challenge. ArcGIS Online has new map styles that allow you to visualize information found in date and time fields. These new time styles reveal patterns of new and old, and showcase the age of things on the map.
These smart mapping styles allow you to view overall patterns of time.
For example, this map shows streets in Minneapolis based on when their condition was last inspected. White streets have been inspected more recently, while dark purple streets were inspected at an earlier date. You can immediately see a pattern of areas which might be due for another inspection.
To show time in your map, simply select the date/time attribute within your data:
Once you have selected your date/time field, you can choose to show time with a continuous timeline, or by the age of the features. The map you see here uses a continuous timeline style: the colors are shaded continuously across a range of date values.