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Show Time in Your Maps

Many datasets contain a date or time field, but showing them in the map can be a challenge. ArcGIS Online has new map styles that allow you to visualize information found in date and time fields. These new time styles reveal patterns of new and old, and showcase the age of things on the map.


These smart mapping styles allow you to view overall patterns of time


For example, this map shows streets in Minneapolis based on when their condition was last inspected. White streets have been inspected more recently, while dark purple streets were inspected at an earlier date. You can immediately see a pattern of areas which might be due for another inspection. 


To show time in your map, simply select the date/time attribute within your data:


Once you have selected your date/time field, you can choose to show time with a continuous timeline, or by the age of the features. The map you see here uses a continuous timeline style: the colors are shaded continuously across a range of date values.

Use Size To Show What's New

Another way to view time, is by Continuous Timeline.


This map uses size to show how recently a fire hydrant was built, in years. Larger hydrants are newer than smaller hydrants, which are older.


This style helps communicate where recent infrastructure investments have occurred because the larger symbols draw your attention.

Show Age Within Your Map

The difference between two dates is often referred to as age. Age reflects the length of time from a start date to an end date.


For example, many communities require annual inspections of fire hydrants. Since you can't inspect them all in one day, the map can help identify clusters of hydrants that need inspection soonest. 


This map uses color to identify fire hydrants that we want to inspect by July 29, 2016. Dark Red hydrants are in most need of inspection. Light Red hydrants have been inspected more recently. Do we have the resources to inspect all of these hydrants by the deadline?


This map uses the New to Old mapping theme, which shows a range of dates:


Highlight a Specific Point in Time

Sometimes, you want to see how things were different before and after a point in time.


This map shows buildings in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Rotterdam suffered intense bombing in World War II, drastically altering the structure of the city. The Rotterdam Blitz of May 14, 1940 destroyed many structures in the city. This map highlights buildings that were built before, during, and after the war. The dark blue buildings were built around 1907 or earlier. The light yellow buildings were built around 1940. The dark red buildings were built after 1974.


This map uses the Before and After theme, which spreads the colors across a range of dates, but is centered on a key date.



Show Time and Magnitude

Sometimes, we want to show where something happened, the magnitude of it, and how recently it occurred.


The Color and Size (Age) map style allows you to map time and magnitude together.


This map shows where migrants have gone missing during recent years. The color represents how many months ago the event occurred, while the size shows how many migrants went missing. 

Emphasize What's Old Using Transparency

When it comes to infrastructure, older things tend to need more attention. This map shows sewer pipes in Salt Lake City, but emphasizes the pipes installed prior to 1955 by applying 80% transparency to pipes installed after 1955.


This map uses the Counts and Amounts (Size) style for the size of the pipes. The larger pipes have more capacity than the smaller pipes.

Get Started Today

As always with smart mapping, the first step is to explore your data with these new map styles. 


Start exploring and creating your own maps about time today. These are new styles, and many are finding patterns that they did not know existed within their data. 


View the following Story Map, which provides further examples and implementation of maps using time. 


To keep up with what's new in ArcGIS Online, click here.




Show Time in Your Maps

Many datasets contain a date or time field, but showing them in the map can be a challenge. ArcGIS Online has new map styles that allow you to visualize information found in date and time fields. These new time styles reveal patterns of new and old, and showcase the age of things on the map.


These smart mapping styles allow you to view overall patterns of time


For example, this map shows streets in Minneapolis based on when their condition was last inspected. White streets have been inspected more recently, while dark purple streets were inspected at an earlier date. You can immediately see a pattern of areas which might be due for another inspection. 


To show time in your map, simply select the date/time attribute within your data:


Once you have selected your date/time field, you can choose to show time with a continuous timeline, or by the age of the features. The map you see here uses a continuous timeline style: the colors are shaded continuously across a range of date values.

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Use Size To Show What's New

Another way to view time, is by Continuous Timeline.


This map uses size to show how recently a fire hydrant was built, in years. Larger hydrants are newer than smaller hydrants, which are older.


This style helps communicate where recent infrastructure investments have occurred because the larger symbols draw your attention.

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Show Age Within Your Map

The difference between two dates is often referred to as age. Age reflects the length of time from a start date to an end date.


For example, many communities require annual inspections of fire hydrants. Since you can't inspect them all in one day, the map can help identify clusters of hydrants that need inspection soonest. 


This map uses color to identify fire hydrants that we want to inspect by July 29, 2016. Dark Red hydrants are in most need of inspection. Light Red hydrants have been inspected more recently. Do we have the resources to inspect all of these hydrants by the deadline?


This map uses the New to Old mapping theme, which shows a range of dates:


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Highlight a Specific Point in Time

Sometimes, you want to see how things were different before and after a point in time.


This map shows buildings in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Rotterdam suffered intense bombing in World War II, drastically altering the structure of the city. The Rotterdam Blitz of May 14, 1940 destroyed many structures in the city. This map highlights buildings that were built before, during, and after the war. The dark blue buildings were built around 1907 or earlier. The light yellow buildings were built around 1940. The dark red buildings were built after 1974.


This map uses the Before and After theme, which spreads the colors across a range of dates, but is centered on a key date.



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Show Time and Magnitude

Sometimes, we want to show where something happened, the magnitude of it, and how recently it occurred.


The Color and Size (Age) map style allows you to map time and magnitude together.


This map shows where migrants have gone missing during recent years. The color represents how many months ago the event occurred, while the size shows how many migrants went missing. 

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Emphasize What's Old Using Transparency

When it comes to infrastructure, older things tend to need more attention. This map shows sewer pipes in Salt Lake City, but emphasizes the pipes installed prior to 1955 by applying 80% transparency to pipes installed after 1955.


This map uses the Counts and Amounts (Size) style for the size of the pipes. The larger pipes have more capacity than the smaller pipes.

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Get Started Today

As always with smart mapping, the first step is to explore your data with these new map styles. 


Start exploring and creating your own maps about time today. These are new styles, and many are finding patterns that they did not know existed within their data. 


View the following Story Map, which provides further examples and implementation of maps using time. 


To keep up with what's new in ArcGIS Online, click here.




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