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Credits: Imagery from NASA, GSFC, Arizona State University, LROC. Images from NASA. Extravehicular activity from N.R. Gonzales, M.R. Henriksen, R.V. Wagner, M.S. Robinson (2019) Apollo
11: Where They Were When – A New Spatiotemporal EVA Map, Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference 50, abstract #3089. Apollo Missions and Man-Made Objects from: Wagner, R. V., Nelson,
D. M., Plescia, J. B., Robinson, M. S., Speyerer, E. J., & Mazarico, E.
(2017). Coordinates of anthropogenic features on the Moon. Icarus, 283, 92-103.
doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.05.011. Nomenclature from International
Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature
Note: the Moon surface is vertically exaggerated by a factor of 4.