This dashboard maps out the locations of more than 15,227 ships that were sunk during the Second World War as a result of self-inflicted or enemy action (i.e. not included are ships sunk as a result of natural disasters or accidents). Data on another 4,787 ships was also collected but these are not mapped because of the lack of location data.
Location data may not be exact. This information is sometimes a generalized location (e.g. 50W, 42N) or a best guess. There are undoubtedly errors in the data. If you discover any, please let me know. This is a work in progress.
The numbers on the left side of the application reflect the data displayed in the mapmap extents. These numbers will change as you pan and zoom around the map.
The pie chart at the bottom left reflects the percentage of sunken ships by belligerent. Selecting one of the pie slices will result in the map showing only those ships of that belligerent. To display all of the ships on the map, click on an area off of the pie chart.
The bar chart at the bottom indicates the number of ships sunk by month. Clicking n one of the bars in the chart will result in the map displaying only those ships sunk during that particular month. To display all the ships on the masp, cick on an area off of the bar chart.
Clicking on a point will bring up a pop-up that displays the data associated with that point, including name, displacement, casualties and links to other sources of information.