This group is here to help you identify the Living Atlas items included with each ArcGIS Enterprise release. Using the group categories, you can identify the full list of Living Atlas items at each ArcGIS Enterprise release. To use group categories, navigate to this group"s Content tab and select an ArcGIS Enterprise version category in the filters on the left: for example, Available in 11.4, Available in 11.3, Available in 11.2, Available in 11.1, Available in 11.0, or Available in 10.9.1.
Living Atlas content in ArcGIS Enterprise
Living Atlas items are included with your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment and can be enabled for use across your organization by your administrator. There are three levels of content: default, subscriber, and premium items. Subscription and premium items will require an ArcGIS Online login.
Once Living Atlas items are enabled in ArcGIS Enterprise, they can be discovered and used throughout your organization in maps and applications. Services and data that support these items in your ArcGIS Enterprise installation exist outside your portal and enterprise system. This enables Esri to bring the Living Atlas to ArcGIS Enterprise while continuing to update services and datasets.
Discover what"s new in the latest release
Use the Recent Additions group category to discover what"s new in the latest release.
Find a specific item
Need to know if a specific item is available in the Living Atlas content in your ArcGIS Enterprise installation? Using an item"s unique ID, you can search this group"s content. Results of an ID search help you identify which versions of ArcGIS Enterprise include a specific item.
If you find an item you like in ArcGIS Online, open the item"s details page to get it"s ID (hint: Its part of the URL). For example, by opening the item details page for the
OpenStreetMaptile layer, you"ll see that the item"s ID in the URL is 3e1a00aeae81496587988075fe529f71. Copy that ID and then
search this group for this ID. Based on search results and group categories, you discover that this item is included in ArcGIS Enterprise Living Atlas beginning at 10.8, but not in earlier releases.
Quick links
Mature Support
The mature support designation indicates an item is no longer updated and may be removed from Living Atlas in ArcGIS Enterprise. Some items included with your version of ArcGIS Enterprise may be in mature support. Some items may move into mature support between ArcGIS Enterprise releases. To continue to access these items after an upgrade, these items are included, but are no longer part of the Living Atlas (10.9.1 and later). Use the Mature Support group sub-category to help you identify items in mature support for your installation. With this information, you can begin to replace that content in your maps and apps before the content is no longer available.
Didn"t find what you are looking for?
Because each item increases the size of the ArcGIS Enterprise installation, not all Living Atlas content is included in ArcGIS Enterprise. If there is a particular Living Atlas item you"ve seen in ArcGIS Online that you think would be useful to include with ArcGIS Enterprise, propose it on the ArcGIS Ideas page on GeoNet- This will allow Esri to asses the popularity of an item and prioritize content.