This group contains decennial 2020 census data layers for 2020 Public Law 94-171 (P.L. 94-171) tables and Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) tables.

This group contains decennial 2020 census data layers for 2020 Public Law 94-171 (P.L. 94-171) tables and Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) tables.

2020 Redistricting PL Data:
These layers contain Census block, block group, tract, county, and state level 2020 Decennial Census redistricting data as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau for all states plus DC and Puerto Rico. Additionally, 52 block level views filtered by state (including District of Columbia and Puerto Rico). For additional processing information, please see the layer's item detail page. The attributes come from the 2020 Public Law 94-171 (P.L. 94-171) tables. For additional processing information, please see the layer's item detail page.

2020 Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) Data:
Layers are available for nested geographies (nation, state, county, tract, and block group), place geographies, metro geographies, legislative geographies, school district geographies, and tribal geographies. Tables are grouped into layers by topic: Population, Housing, Age and Sex, Race and Ethnicity, Households, Householder Characteristics, Household Population, and Group Quarters Population. Layers are continually added as part of an ongoing release. There is also a Block Characteristics layer with a few essential attributes. For additional processing information, please see the layer's item detail page.

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