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Rupert Essinger from the Esri Story Maps team shares a selection of cool places to go in this Southern Californian beach city. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Web Map by

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Item created: Nov 23, 2011 Item updated: May 11, 2018 View count: 329,919

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1922 characters left.


This is the web map used in the original Story Map Shortlist v1 version of the San Diego. It can still be used in Story Map Shortlist v1 however the content has not been updated to reflect the latest places or photo credits. For example many of the images referenced by the places in this Shortlist were taken my me (Rupert Essinger/Esri) but the photo source listed in the dataset has not been updated and still describes the source of the original photo that was used.

To view the new, updated Story Map Shortlist v2 version of the San Diego Springs Shortlist, please launch:

Here are the item details for that story map in ArcGIS Online: 

An in-depth description of the item is not available.


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Terms of Use

This disclaimer applies to this web map and the San Diego Shortlist web mapping application that uses this web map. This map is not supported by advertising and the institutions and businesses shown on it where selected purely by the map's author as subjective editorial content. 

These recommended places are unofficial and responsibility for the accuracy and utility of the places on this map is mine alone and does not reflect the views or commercial interests of my employer, Esri, who make the ArcGIS mapping system. I have no commercial interests in any of the businesses recommended here, and have not received any sort of payment or benefit from their inclusion in the map.

No special restrictions or limitations on using the item's content have been provided.

Comments (22)

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landscape Item Owner commented 10 years ago Delete Reply

Rupert, I love it! I want to use this for a tourist map for UC apparel!

RupertEssinger Item Owner commented 10 years ago Delete Reply

The entry for the story map app itself can be found here:

TemplateTesting Item Owner commented 12 years ago Delete Reply

jschro> (sorry about the multiple posts. This comments system doesn't work very well). On that page, click the Download Source Code link in the Description section. Also check out this recent blog post about the Shortlist template:

TemplateTesting Item Owner commented 12 years ago Delete Reply

jschro> It should be working OK:

jschro Item Owner commented 12 years ago Delete Reply

It appears the template download site is not working. Getting server errors trying to download the template and docs

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          The basemaps used in this map include data from SanGIS (the City and County of San Diego) and San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)

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