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Locations of grocery stores in Washington, DC. This dataset includes currently-operating grocery stores, as well as some locations which have closed recently. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Feb 27, 2015 Item updated: Jan 21, 2025 View count: 0

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We started with ABCA's definition of “Full-Service Grocery Stores” (– pulled from the Food System Assessment below), and using those criteria, determined locations that fulfilled the categories in section 1 of the definition.

Then, we reviewed the Office of Planning’s Food System Assessment ( list in Appendix D, comparing that to the created from the ABCA definition, which led to the addition of a few more examples that meet or come very close to the full-service grocery store criteria. Here’s the explanation from OP regarding how they came to create their list:

“To determine the number of grocery stores in the District, we analyzed existing business licenses in the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (2018) Business License Verification system (located at To distinguish grocery stores from convenience stores, we applied the Alcohol Beverage and Cannabis Administration’s (ABCA) definition of a full-service grocery store. This definition requires a store to be licensed as a grocery store, sell at least six different food categories, dedicate either 50% of the store’s total square feet or 6,000 square feet to selling food, and dedicate at least 5% of the selling area to each food category. This definition can be found at To distinguish small grocery stores from large grocery stores, we categorized large grocery stores as those 10,000 square feet or more. This analysis was conducted using data from the WDCEP’s Retail and Restaurants webpage (located at and using ARCGIS Spatial Analysis tools when existing data was not available. Our final numbers differ slightly from existing reports like the DC Hunger Solutions’ Closing the Grocery Store Gap and WDCEP’s Grocery Store Opportunities Map; this difference likely comes from differences in our methodology and our exclusion of stores that have closed.”

We also conducted a visual analysis of locations and relied on personal experience of visits to locations to determine whether they should be included in the list.

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