This geometry service contains utility methods which provide access to sophisticated and frequently used geometric operations. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
Geometry Service
Item created: Jan 26, 2011 Item updated: Jul 13, 2021 View count: 13,300
This geometry service contains utility methods which provide access to sophisticated and frequently used geometric operations. You can use this geometry service to buffer, project, and simplify geometry; calculate areas and lengths for geometry; and determine spatial relations and label points. Supported operations include:
- Project: Returns
an array of projected geometries.
- Simplify: Returns
an array of simplified geometries.
- Buffer: Returns
an array of polygons at the specified distances for the input geometry. An
option is available to union buffer polygons at each distance.
- Areas
and lengths: Calculates areas and perimeter lengths for each polygon
specified in the input array.
- Lengths: Calculates
the lengths of each polyline specified in the input array.
- Relation: Determines
the pairs of geometries from the input geometry arrays that participate in the
specified spatial relation.
- Label
Points: Calculates an interior point for each polygon specified in
the input array.
- Auto
Complete: Simplifies the process of constructing polygons that are
adjacent to other polygons.
- Convex
Hull: Returns the Convex Hull of the input geometry.
- Cut: Splits
the input polyline or polygon where it crosses a cutting polyline.
- Densify: Densifies
geometries by plotting intermediate points between existing vertices.
- Difference: Constructs
the set-theoretic difference between an array of geometries and another
- Generalize: Returns
generalized (Douglas-Poiker) versions of the input geometries.
- Intersect: Constructs
the set-theoretic intersection between an array of geometries and another
- Offset: Constructs
the offset of the given input polyline based on an offset distance.
- Reshape: Reshapes
a polyline or a part of a polygon using a reshaping line.
- Trim
/ Extend: Trims / extends each polyline specified in the input array
using the user-specified guide polylines.
- Union: Constructs
the set-theoretic union of the input geometries.
ArcGIS Web API REST Connection:
ArcGIS SOAP API Connection:
An in-depth description of the item is not available.
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Terms of Use
No special restrictions or limitations on using the item's content have been provided.
Dashboard views: Desktop
Source: Geometry Service
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Dependent items in the recycle bin
Applicable: 2d
Size: 1 KB
ID: 2e18b487043641538f02028cc2495c0e
Image Count: 0
Image Properties
Layer Drawing
Using tiles from a cache
Dynamically from data
This item has not been categorized.
Credits (Attribution)
No acknowledgements.Esri
Comments (5)
What are the terms of use of this service for arbitrary third-party applications? It this just a public service available to anyone who wants to use it? Is there a documented rate limit?
Do we still have to pass a token when using this service? If no, how do esri know that we still have enough credit?
where did the distance-operation went to?
Nataliya, they appear to have used upper case in their URL which it does not currently support. Change ArcGIS to arcgis and it works... I hope this helps! -
Hello. This REST url doesn't seem to be working. Is there a new geometry service available?