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Deep learning model to detect ships in high-resolution satellite imagery. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Deep learning package by

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Item created: Nov 15, 2023 Item updated: Feb 4, 2025 Number of downloads: 2,064

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Ship detection plays an important role in defense and security, port management, environmental monitoring, insurance and risk assessment, and maritime search and rescue operations. While Automated Identification System (AIS) is commonly used for ship detection, it has limitations, such as incomplete ship traffic information due to AIS being switched off or malfunctioning. Also, not all ships are equipped with AIS transponders. Satellite imagery-based detection overcomes these limitations.

This pretrained model detects and localizes ships in high-resolution optical satellite images. It can handle both dense and sparse ship patterns. The detected polygons align with the ships' rotation angles to provide more accurate and precise information about the ship's orientation and enhance the spatial representation of ships. The model is based on the MaskRCNN architecture implemented using ArcGIS API for Python and has been trained on an in-house ship detection dataset that covers various ship types and sizes across the United States.

Using the model
Follow the guide to use the model. Before using this model, ensure that the supported deep learning libraries are installed. For more details, check Deep Learning Libraries Installer for ArcGIS.

Fine-tuning the model
This model can be fine-tuned using the Train Deep Learning Model tool. Follow the guide to fine-tune this model.


High-resolution, 3-band RGB satellite imagery with a spatial resolution of 30 centimeters (0.3 meters). Consider adjusting the cell size to approximately 15 centimeters for detecting smaller boats and increasing it for larger boats.

Feature class with polygons representing the detected ship(s) in the input imagery. 

Applicable geographies

The model is expected to work well in the United States, Indian Subcontinent and similar geographies. 

Model architecture

This model uses the MaskRCNN model architecture implemented in ArcGIS API for Python.

Accuracy metrics

This model has an average precision score of 0.6953.

Training data

This model has been trained on an Esri proprietary ship detection dataset.

1. The model will work on ship lengths in the range 12 – 80m. Ships less than 12m long may or may not be detected.
2. Traditional boats and cargo ships may or may not be detected. 
3. The model may detect false positives over land surfaces. Apply a water mask to eliminate such detections.

Sample results
Here are a few results from the model. To view more, see this story.


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Terms of Use This work is licensed under the Esri Master License Agreement.

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Comments (7)

Sign in to add a comment. Item Owner commented 2 months ago Delete Reply

Hi. Maybe someone could help me. To work with deeo learning I will always need a pretrained model of the oibjet I want to see, for example If I need to count crocodiles in a river, Do I need a pretrained model to detect crocodiles aparte de la ortofoto? Thanks

nehasharma_geoai Item Owner commented a month ago Delete

Dear Karen, Yes, to count crocodiles in a river using deep learning, you will need a crocodile pretrained model to run on your raster dataset. You can either train your own model in ArcGIS Pro using your dataset to generate a pretrained model for your specific use case and geography, or you can use the already available pretrained models on ESRI Living Atlas. Please follow this link to learn to train a model: and please feel free to let us know if you face any other issues or have any other query. Thanks , Neha

sumith.pathirana_SCU2 Item Owner commented 4 months ago Delete Reply

Thank you Neha and Pathak for your prompt responses. In all pretrained models the way I understood was sample images were provided as I do not have relevant images for each applications. Anyway now I understand .that .doll files do not come with imageries. Thank you so much for clarifying it. Best Sumith

nehasharma_geoai Item Owner commented a month ago Delete

You are welcome. Please feel free to let us know if you face any other issues or have any other query. Thanks Neha

sumith.pathirana_SCU2 Item Owner commented 4 months ago Delete Reply

Hello, How do i add the raster image 3 bands into ArcGIS pro content page. I cannot get that from DLPK file. Thanks. Sumith

nehasharma_geoai Item Owner commented 4 months ago Delete

Dear Sumith, you can add your raster using 'Add Data' tool in the 'Map' tab in ArcGIS Pro by browsing to the location where the raster is saved in your system or you can just drag and drop the raster in the 'Contents' panel. Please feel free to let us know if you face any other issues or have any other query. Thanks Neha

spathak_deldev Item Owner commented 4 months ago Delete

Hi Sumith, DLPK file stands for Deep Learning Package which is a pretrained model to detect ships, but it doesn't include the raster image. You will need to provide your own high resolution 3-band RGB raster (30 cm spatial resolution) for the model to process.

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