This dataset represents the locations of hurricane evacuation routes. A hurricane evacuation route is a designated route used to direct traffic inland in case of a hurricane threat. Homeland Security Use Cases: Use cases describe how the data may be used and help to define and clarify requirements. 1) A resource for emergency route planning purposes. 2) A resource for situational awareness planning and response for federal government events. 3) A portion of an evacuation route may be rendered unusable due to natural or man made disaster and rerouting of traffic is necessary. 4) An incident has occurred during an evacuation and first responders must quickly deploy to the area. 5) Public awareness. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
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Item created: Jun 7, 2017 Item updated: Jul 3, 2023 View count: 46,341
Hurricane Evacuation Routes in the United States. A hurricane evacuation route is a designated route used to direct traffic inland in case of a hurricane threat. This dataset is based on supplied data from Gulf Coast and Atlantic Seaboard states. Each state was contacted by TGS to determine an official source for hurricane evacuation routes. GIS data was gathered from states willing to share such data. In cases where states were unable or unwilling to share data in this format, TGS requested that the states provide a source for identifying hurricane evacuation routes. The states usually identified a website that made this data available to the public. Three (3) states (ME, NY, and NH) indicated that they do not maintain public maps showing hurricane evacuation routes and were unable or unwilling to share GIS files depicting such routes. Hurricane evacuation routes depicted on non-GIS maps were digitized using aerial ortho imagery while referencing supplied maps. Shape files that depicted hurricane evacuation routes were edge matched and merged with the digitized evacuation routes. All routes identified as primary hurricane evacuation routes were included in this dataset. If a state also designated secondary hurricane evacuation routes, they were included as well. Routes depicted in this dataset are dependent upon what each state identified as a hurricane evacuation route. Criteria used to identify these routes may vary from state to state.
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Data updated: Sep 21, 2017, 12:30 PM
Schema updated: Sep 21, 2017, 12:30 PM
Size: 27.711 MB
ID: 3331d09be1684c3d8053a0b71edb54d2
Image Count: 0
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No acknowledgements.Techni Graphic Systems, Inc.
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