Deep learning model to detect oil spills in Sentinel-1 SAR data. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
Deep learning package
Item created: Nov 1, 2022 Item updated: Jan 1, 2025 Number of downloads: 4,270
Oil spills are a major source of marine pollution that affect the environment, economy, and marine ecosystems. Toxic chemicals from oil spills can remain in the ocean for years and even sink down to the seabed affecting sedimentation rates. While many oil spills are accidental, some are caused deliberately by cargo ships dumping waste oil and bilge water. It is very difficult to identify, detect and remove oil from the ocean surface and routine monitoring can help prevent illegal dumping and aid with remediation efforts.
This deep learning model automates the task of detecting potential oil spills from Sentinel-1 SAR data. In addition to being inexpensive, SAR data is collected day and night in all weather conditions without getting affected by cloud cover. Use this model to identify potential oil spills that need to be reviewed or monitored, reducing time and effort required significantly.
Using the model
Follow the guide to use the model. Before using this model, ensure that the supported deep learning libraries are installed. For more details, check Deep Learning Libraries Installer for ArcGIS.
Fine-tuning the model
This model can be fine-tuned using the Train Deep Learning Model tool. Follow the guide to fine-tune this model.
8-bit, 3-band Sentinel-1 C band SAR GRD VV polarization band raster.
Feature layer representing oil slick.
Applicable geographies
The model is expected to work globally.
Model architecture
The model uses the MaskRCNN model architecture implemented in ArcGIS API for Python.
Accuracy metrics
The model has an average precision score of 0.69.
Training data
This model is trained on 381 Sentinel-1 scenes downloaded from the ASF portal, and the ground truth data from NESDIS Marine Pollution Products.
Sample results
Here are a few results form the model.
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Size: 168.724 MB
ID: 4dd65af881f64236ac9bbaa407e046ba
Image Count: 0
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Credits (Attribution)
No acknowledgements.NOAA
Comments (13)
the guideis not clear
We have only presented the OilSpillDetection_SAR.dlpk file in the guide. To use the model, you need to perform some preprocessing steps before using the Detect Objects Using Deep Learning tool. If you let me know where you're getting stuck, I can help clarify and resolve the issue.
I'm using the OilSpillDetection_SAR.dlpk model in ArcGIS Pro for detecting oil spills from SAR imagery. However, I've noticed that the guide/documentation suggests a different approach or model for oil spill detection in SAR. Has anyone else encountered this? I'd appreciate any insights on how the DLPK model compares to the method recommended in the guide.
Could you let me know which parts are confusing or what specific information you’re looking for?
in the area and the length field in the result attrubute table cant understand. because it has decimel values. can you let me know how to calculate the area and the length in KM
Hi, you can calculate area and length in km using Calculate Geometry tool (, you can also refer to this page:
thanks demos for your kind reply. Sorry for not being specific about accuracy. Actually I'm looking for Accuracy, Precision and F1 scores for the model. Thanks again
The python api supports Average Presicion Score metrics for evaluating performance of MaskRCNN model given that this is a segmentation based model. F1 score is a useful for models that perform classification task.
I tried to find out accuracy and precesion for the model. Please guide where can I find this?
In the Accuracy section, the model's accuracy metric is mentioned - it has an average precision score of 0.69.
How can I use it, Sentinel, from the portal?