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Simplify the development of ArcGIS Desktop add-ins with this Python Add-In Wizard A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Desktop application template by

Item created: Jan 3, 2012 Item updated: Jun 12, 2013 Number of downloads: 86,302

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ArcGIS 10.1 introduces Python to the list of languages for authoring Desktop add-ins, providing you with an easy solution to extend desktop functionality. To simplify the development of Python add-ins, you must download and use the Python Add-In Wizard to declare the type of customization. The wizard will generate all the required files necessary for the add-in to work.

The download is a compressed ZIP file (.zip) containing all the files necessary to support the wizard. To use the wizard, unzip the contents to a folder and locate the executable file named addin_assistant.exe in the bin folder; double-click this executable to launch the wizard. Examples of using the Python Add-In Wizard are provided in the Desktop Help Guide Book, Customizing ArcGIS Desktop with Python Add-ins. 

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Minimum ArcGIS version is 10.1.

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Comments (55)

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pp_nanfeng Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete Reply

The pythonaddins block does not exist. How can I solve the problem? Thank you

Bjey16 Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

Костыль на костыле, ага, пасиба

gpnobbir Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete Reply

Or, from the unzipped location, create a shortcut of add_assistant Application to Desktop or a location you favor.

gpnobbir Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete Reply

We cannot reproduce the issue. Follow this steps: 1. download the wizard 2. Unzip to a local folder - keep all contents as is (as the way they are unzipped to) 3. Browse to addin_assistant > addin_assistant > bin 4. And then double click on the add_assistant application Let us know if you still see the issue.

gpnobbir Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete Reply

Those who are seeing the issue - could you please provide more information about the ArcGIS version, Windows OS (7 or 10) and whether you'll also have Python 3 installed on the same machine. AND, any other information that we may need to check against.

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