Deep Learning model to classify addresses into their respective countries. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
Deep learning package
Item created: Jul 25, 2022 Item updated: Jan 2, 2025 Number of downloads: 2,395
Accurate locations of people or places of interest is important to drive businesses and improve governement services. For accurate location, correctly geocoding addresses becomes important. Street addresses may sometimes be missing the country information and geocoding such incomplete addresses often results in poor accuracy. Geocoding accuracy and performance increases when the country is specified. This model categorizes incomplete addresses by automatically assigning the country they belong to.
This deep learning model is trained on address dataset provided by and can be used to classify addresses from 18 different countries in the world.
Using the model
Fine-tuning the model
This model can be fine-tuned using the Train Text Classification Model tool available in the GeoAI toolbox in ArcGIS Pro.. Follow the guide to fine-tune this model.
Text on which country classification will be performed. Text should include street number or apartment number, street name, city or state.
Text (classified country)
This model supports addresses from the following countries:
- AR – Argentina
- AT – Austria
- AU – Australia
- BE – Belgium
- CA – Canada
- CH – Switzerland
- DE – Germany
- DK – Denmark
- ES – Spain
- FI – Finland
- FR – France
- IS – Iceland
- IT – Italy
- KR – South Korea
- LU – Luxemburg
- NZ – New Zealand
- SI – Slovenia
- US – USA
Model architecture
This model uses the xlm-roberta architecture implemented in Hugging Face Transformers.
Accuracy metrics
The table below summarizes the precision, recall and F1-score of the model on the validation dataset.

Sample results
Here are a few results from the model.

This model uses the xlm-roberta architecture implemented in Hugging Face Transformers.
The table below summarizes the precision, recall and F1-score of the model on the validation dataset.
Here are a few results from the model.
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Size: 842.091 MB
ID: 65604db82ffd450da9e2c1b4c721db83
Image Count: 0
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Using tiles from a cache
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Credits (Attribution)
No acknowledgements.Esri
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