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This deep learning model is used to extract building footprints from high-resolution aerial or satellite imagery. This model was trained using Esri's World Imagery. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Deep learning package by

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Item created: May 26, 2021 Item updated: May 26, 2021 Number of downloads: 189

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This deep learning model is used to extract building footprints from high-resolution (10–40 cm) imagery. Building footprint layers are useful in preparing base maps and analysis workflows for urban planning and development, insurance, taxation, change detection, infrastructure planning, and a variety of other applications.


Digitizing building footprints from imagery is a time-consuming task and is commonly done by digitizing features manually. Deep learning models have a high capacity to learn these complex workflow semantics and can produce superior results. Use this deep learning model to automate this process and reduce the time and effort required for acquiring building footprints.


The deep learning model was trained using Esri's World Imagery.


Using the model

This model is generic and is expected to work across Tanzania and Uganda (Africa). 

To use this model, you need to install supported deep learning frameworks packages first. SeInstall deep learning frameworks for ArcGIS for more information. You can use the model with the Detect Objects Using Deep Learning tool. Follow the detailed tutorial on using the model in ArcGIS Pro.

Note: Deep learning is computationally very intensive, and a powerful GPU is recommended to process large datasets faster. Depending on data size and available hardware, it can take hours to finish.


Software requirements

The following extensions and products are required for use:

 ArcGIS Desktop - ArcGIS Image Analyst and ArcGIS 3D Analyst for ArcGIS Pro. The model cannot be used in ArcMap.

The ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension is used for postprocessing by the Regularize Building Footprint tool to improve the results.

ArcGIS Enterprise - ArcGIS Enterprise Map Viewer and ArcGIS Image Server with raster analytics configured.

ArcGIS Online - ArcGIS Online Map Viewer using ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online(beta).


Required imagery

The model is expected to work with 8-bit, three-band high-resolution (10–40 cm) imagery.


Applicable geographies

The model is expected to work well in Uganda and Tanzania.


Model architecture

The model uses the MaskRCNN model architecture implemented using ArcGIS API for Python.


Accuracy metrics

The model has an average precision score of 78.6 percent.


Sample results

Sample results from the model are shown below, more results and details are published in a story:

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Terms of Use This work is licensed under the Esri Master License Agreement.

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