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Geoprocessing tool and script that aggregates attribute values of a feature class based on the geographic overlay of non-conterminous geographies. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Geoprocessing sample by

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Item created: Apr 24, 2012 Item updated: Mar 9, 2018 Number of downloads: 952

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Aggregates attribute values of a feature class based on the geographic overlay of non-conterminous geographies. This process is typically known as apportioning or apportionment.

This tool can be used to estimate the population or value in one feature based on how much of that feature overlays another feature with a known population or value. Spatial overlay methods include by area (polygon), length (line network), count (points), or weight (points).

For example, use this tool to move attributes from a census geography to a zip-code geography, or to update old census figures to new census geographies.

Software Requirements:

ArcGIS 10.0 or later

ArcView (Basic) license or higher

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Comments (1)

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Sderzanovich Item Owner commented 9 years ago Delete Reply

I tested this against Business Analyst "append" tool. It works well and produces similar results. I wasn't able to use any points as the input features, even the sample blocks data that came with it produced an invalid error. Thoughts? Updates?

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