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Compresses and optimizes LAS format lidar A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Geoprocessing sample by

Item created: Jan 5, 2014 Item updated: Sep 22, 2016 Number of downloads: 24,026

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v1.2.4 - minor bug fixes, one where in rare cases validation/decompression claims a zLAS file is invalid when it's actually fine, the other related to a carriage return potentially sent to a wrong window when the app is run from the command line.
v1.2.3 - added user specified temp path to control location of scratch files, support 'Import PRJ File' option with ArcGIS Pro only install, fix crash when using 'Import PRJ File' option with ArcGIS 10.4 or later.
v1.2.2 - digitally signed executables
v1.2.1 - minor bug fix related to command line usage
v1.2 - support for LAS 1.4 plus other enhancements (see readme.txt and help contained in the download for more information)
v1.1 - added support for parallel decompression

This executable is used to optimize and compress LAS format lidar. It creates *.zlas files, an optimized version of LAS that's useful for archiving, sharing, and direct use. zLAS files are much smaller and more efficient to use, especially on the cloud and over networks, than regular LAS. 

The standalone executable does not require an ArcGIS install or license.

The same executable is used for both compression and decompression.

The download zip file contains more information and help in an included pdf document.

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Comments (9)

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env.matt.wilkie Item Owner commented 7 years ago Delete Reply

The request for Esri to add direct support for LAZ files is at Please go and encourage Esri to incorporate this industry standard so those of us who need to work with both formats are not forced to maintain identical data in two repositories at once.

jdouglasfgt7 Item Owner commented 8 years ago Delete Reply

considered scrapping this project and simply working with rapidlasso to begin using LAZ instead of zLAS? ESRI should highly consider adding support for a laz dataset in ArcGIS

jdouglasfgt7 Item Owner commented 8 years ago Delete

bad link in last post. the ability to add LAZ to a LAS dataset without converting means workflow simplification and easier data transfer.

matogato Item Owner commented 9 years ago Delete Reply

When decompressing a specific zlas file I got the error: The zlas file appears to be corrupt. I compressed the original LAS file and tried to decopress it but I got the same error again. What could be the problem?

nrschlj2 Item Owner commented 11 years ago Delete Reply

Posts at and tout the direct use of zlas files in ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.1. My experience with 10.2.2 has been frustrating, as the "LAS to multipoint" tool recognizes and accepts the zlas file as input but then throws error 999999 "not a valid file" whether using the zlas or an las dataset where I added a zlas file. Not good! The "LAS to tin" tool only recognizes the las dataset and not not the zlas file. Please please include some instructions if you want this to catch on. I can't find anything on using zlas files directly in the desktop.

drewskey Item Owner commented 11 years ago Delete Reply

I too agree with bixb0012.

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