Learn how to use geodatabase behavior and attribute validation to support data integrity and improve organizational efficiency for users of the hiking trail data in the City of Vienna. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
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Item created: Aug 20, 2019 Item updated: Nov 30, 2022 Number of downloads: 6,235
An in-depth description of the item is not available.
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Terms of Use
- The ViennaCityTrails_Raw and RundumadumTrail_Subtypes feature classes are derived from the Wanderwege shapefile published as Open Government Data (OGD) by the City of Vienna. OGD is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0). When using this data, the City of Vienna must be named as follows: "Data source: City of Vienna - data.wien.gv.at". The feature classes have additional attribute information derived from hiking trail information on the City of Vienna website.
- The Duration, ElevationChange, Scenery, TrailLength, and TrailType tables were created by the item owner. No terms of use apply.
No special restrictions or limitations on using the item's content have been provided.
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Size: 384.435 KB
ID: 7dce26d55e3b41e9874e7e48ecc44eca
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Tutorial Start Data
ArcGIS Pro, geodatabase, File geodatabase, Austria, Vienna, Feature Dataset, Feature Class, Shapefile, Subtypes, Domain, Coordinate System, geospatial data, Schema, Data Integrity, Data Accuracy, Scale, Resolution, Hiking, Hiking Trails Attribute Validation, Default values, Visitor map, Tourism, Tourist, Visitor guide, Food, Activities, Trails, Places to eat, Bike Routes, Paths, Museums, Art, Castles, Cathedrals, Parks, Natural areas, views, bird watching, walking, wild flowers, hiking, forest, nature trips, wildlife, river, trail running, kid friendly, partially paved, mountain biking, lake, city walk
Credits (Attribution)
No acknowledgements.Data source: City of Vienna - data.wien.gv.at
Comments (2)
Diese Übung funktioniert nicht mehr in älteren Versionen der Software (z.B. 2.8). Besteht die Möglichkeit, die Datensätze dieser Übung für Versionen älter als 3.0 zur Verfügung zu stellen? Oder gibt es einen "Umweg", diese Übung in 2,8 Version zu öffnen? LG.
Hello! Unfortunatley this lesson is only compatible with ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and we do not publish the steps for the previous version. If you're using a different version of ArcGIS Pro, you may encounter different functionality and results.