Python scripts and geo-processing tools for preparing data for parcel fabric loading, for adjusting fabric data, for exporting data and reporting on parcels, and for doing field calculations. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
Geoprocessing sample
Item created: Jul 18, 2016 Item updated: Sep 18, 2019 Number of downloads: 2,237
- Parcel Fabric Adjustment
- Parcel Fabric Data Migration (video demo)
- Parcel Fabric Export and Reporting
- Parcel Fabric Field Calculations
- Parcel Fabric Samples
- Parcel Feature Adjustment
- Download the zip file
- Extract the files to a location on disk
- Double-click the BAT file called "INSTALL To My Toolboxes GP.bat"
- Open ArcMap, and open the Catalog window
- To Locate the GP Toolboxes, browse to Toolboxes -> My Toolboxes
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Size: 3.502 MB
ID: 7f35ed8034a942b98bf3290f7adcbf13
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parcel, fabric, parcel editor, data migration, parcel fabric
Comments (25)
hello Dwayne, have so far not been able to get the same error message that you've reported after trying a few different things. I do get a different error under the following circumstances: 1. run the tool for the first time, 2. start an edit session on the target database where the output table is written, and then 3. run the tool again and target the same database. Since it is not the same message I'm not sure that this will help, but you could confirm that the output location is not targeting a geodatabase that you are currently editing. Aside from this, we'd need more information to reproduce the problem. What is your database platform, File, Oracle, SQLServer, etc. ? What release of ArcMap are you using?
I opened up a ticket with ESRI and the issue was resolved by opening a new blank mxd and reloading the parcel fabric and running the tool Glad it was a simple resolution and thank you ESRI for the prompt assistance!
Hello, I am getting an error when I attempt to run the Export Vectors tool. Any advice on how to get this to work? ExecuteError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function. Failed to execute (MakeParcelFabricTableView).
Hello omerskar43, you have correctly identified the reason that these parcels could not be loaded. The topology loader has trouble when there is a single closed polyline that loops around the entire polygon. (For your reference: BUG-000116911) There is a workaround, but care should be taken if you have natural boundaries that need to be represented as line-strings. If these parcel lines do not include natural boundaries, then the workaround is to use the GP tool Split Line At Vertices on the lines for these parcels. Thanks for reporting this.
Yes, I know if we use “GP tool Split Line at Vertices” this problem can be fix. Also, I am using FME program and I created a workspace for migrating parcel data to staging feature datasets of the LGIM. My parcels spool to staging database without closed polyline. So, my mean if your fix this small bug it will better for users. And if time is I will inform a small bug. In staging database at "Type7Parcels" feature class field of "Type" type was identifying "text" and size "23". I think it could be "Long İnteger". If you use "text" the “ParcelFabric_Parcel” feature class field “Type” were come "null". Thank you for interest.
Hi, I am using this tool for migrate my parcel to Parcel Fabric. There are 222800 parcels have. After cleaning all data, following sequence "Aggregate Boundary Lines from Polygon Layers" , "Create Topology Fabric Source by Polygon Filter" , "Find Close Vertices" ( no any problem has). And last step using "Iteratively Load Parcel Fabric" with a fishnet. All process was success and parcels are migrating. But some (approximately 10.000 feature) parcels are missing inside the Parcel Fabric. I am checking reason what, all missing parcels are looking good. That parcels are some different than others, I see they are single parts and no any neigh. Al so the boundary lines single closed part. If boundary is wrong, why the tool was created the line like that ?.
Revision 07-26-2018. The Parcel Fabric Geoprocessing Tools item has been updated. Fixed regression bug in "Find Close Vertices". An error message would be reported during cleanup of intermediate layers, when using a line feature class as input source.