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This layer provides a reference overlay highlighting water features for use with layers related to the natural sciences. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Dec 8, 2016 Item updated: Jul 23, 2020 View count: 1,770,270

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This tile layer is designed to provide a a hydrologically oriented set of features to use with the World Terrain Base Layer or other simple base maps. The map features a hydro-centric design based on the amount of water flowing within the drainage network such that symbols of the same size and color represent roughly the same amount of water. 

This map shows surface water flow as a linear phenomenon even over and through bodies of water. Using the best available data we show relative flow accurately, so that if one river carries more water downstream than another river, the result will be that the river will have a thicker symbol on the map.

This map is used as an overlay for content such as elevation from the World Terrain Base service or thematic services such as soil units, vegetation, or ecoregions. Combined with a basemap and your map services, this map provides a frame of reference for showing regional, national, and continental hydrologic phenomena such as drought, runoff, river level monitoring and flood forecasting.

River names are collected in the UTF8 character set so river names are collected in their original language but are written in the Roman alphabet. Sources for all river names are from the open source project so they are international by nature.

The map is compiled from several sources. The global scales (very small scales through 1:2,300,000) include content from: HydroSHEDS, GTOPO30 Global Topographic Data, SRTM, GLWD, WorldClim, GRDC, and WWF Global 200 Terrestrial Eco Regions, with the latter three providing the inputs and basis for calculating flow.  At medium scales (1:36,000 to 1:2,000,000) this service currently contains only U.S. data from the NHDPlusV2 that was jointly produced by the USGS and EPA. 

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Terms of Use

This work is licensed under the Esri Master License Agreement. 

World Wildlife Fund HydroSHEDS

This product, the World Hydro Reference Overlay, incorporates data from the HydroSHEDS database which is © World Wildlife Fund, Inc. (2006-2012) and has been used herein under license. WWF has not evaluated the data as altered and incorporated within the World Hydro Reference Overlay, and therefore gives no warranty regarding its accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose. Portions of the HydroSHEDS database incorporate data which are the intellectual property rights of © USGS (2006-2008) (data available from U.S. Geological Survey, EROS Data Center, SD), NASA (2000-2005), ESRI (1992-1998), CIAT (2004-2006), UNEP-WCMC (1993), WWF (2004), Commonwealth of Australia (2007), and Her Royal Majesty and the British Crown and are used under license. The scientific citation for the HydroSHEDS database is: Lehner, B., Verdin, K., Jarvis, A. (2008): New global hydrography derived from spaceborne elevation data. Eos, Transactions, AGU, 89(10): 93-94.

No special restrictions or limitations on using the item's content have been provided.

Comments (1)

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Mike_MCFEG Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete Reply

North, West and Middle fork Teanaway River basin titles are misspelled as "Tenaway"

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