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Walk through this tutorial (with accompanying sample data) to get started with the stereo capability of ArcGIS Image Analyst. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Oct 15, 2019 Item updated: Oct 15, 2019 Number of downloads: 2,166

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Walk through this tutorial (with accompanying sample data) to get started with the stereo capability of ArcGIS Image Analyst.

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Comments (11)

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AtiqaK Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete Reply

Will it work with tri stereo?

ImageryWorkflowsTeam Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete

Can you explain further what you seek to do? for Viewing, the stereo tools only allow you to work with two images at a time (one for each eye!), so you cannot simultaneously view three images in the stereo viewer. "Tri stereo" is typically used for extracting an accurate digital elevation model, and yes ArcGIS Pro does this, with 3 (or many more) overlapping images. For this DEM extraction you do not need the Stereo tools. If you are working with tri-stereo datasets from a specific vendor, let us know more about the imagery. It must be a format supported by one of the raster types defined for mosaic datasets. See Help at

AtiqaK Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete Reply

Unable to understand the concept of Mosaic requirement for the stereo model collection. How to create that? Or how can i identify the left or right images as name of my image is "IMG_PNEO4_202304100609509_MS-FS_SEN_PWOI_000080388_1_2_F_1_NED_R1C1"? & is not geo ref, unable to open in ArcGIS already.

ImageryWorkflowsTeam Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete

Are you familiar with the mosaic dataset? You need to add your satellite images into a mosaic dataset using the proper raster type, then "Build Stereo Model" on the mosaic dataset. See help at

Aerotopsa Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete Reply

Greetings all, I have tried the stereo mode and it works very well. Congratulations on the job. Is it possible to use a 3D mouse? I have a Stealth 3D. Now I want to try generating my own Stereo information from Drone images and from aerial images with external orientation.

Gerard.lavoie_SAULT_GIS Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

I followed the instructions by AmeliaB. Thank you! I have stereo up and running in Pro... Now just to figure out the rest.

[Deleted User] Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

After further testing, a colleague and I found workarounds for this issue. Workaround 1: Recreate the path referenced in the tutorial document. The tutorial document states that the data should be extracted to the C:\Temp\StereoTutorial folder, then a new folder, C:\SampleData, will be present. This did not work correctly for my colleague and I, thus, the following workaround was performed. 1) Delete the sampledata folder before opening ArcGIS Pro. 2) Recreate a folder named SampleData at the C level, so the path matches the path stated in the tutorial, C:\SampleData 3) Copy and paste the contents of the sample data folder, contained within C:\Tutorial\StereoTutorial, into the new C:\SampleData location. The path should match that stated within the tutorial, c:\SampleData\Vexcel-Hollywood\0_MosaicDataset\VexcelHollywood.gdb. Once one opens Pro, this should allow the imagery to draw correctly, no checkerboard, as the path was recreated to match that referenced in the tutorial. Workaround 2: Repair the paths immediately in ArcGIS Pro. 1) Extract the data to a different location on the C drive. 2) Open a new ArcGIS Pro project and connect to the folder containing the tutorial data extracted to the C drive. Add the VexcelHollywood mosaic dataset to the map. 3)Within the Contents pane, right click the mosaic dataset, then select Data>Repair Mosaic Dataset Paths. 4)Within the Repair Mosaic Dataset Paths window, select the option for 'Only Broken Paths'. In this instance, the paths for the Imagery and DEM folders are broken. Add the new paths to these respective folders by selecting the folder icon to the right of 'New Path'. After these both are placed in the tool, select 'Ok'. The imagery will take a few moments to load, but it should be repaired after this. I hope this helps!

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