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Code sample
Item created: Mar 9, 2016 Item updated: Mar 9, 2016 Number of downloads: 55
A common way to support a new raster format is to create a GDAL Driver that knows how to read (and possibly write) the image files. (see www.gdal.org) ArcGIS, like many software packages, uses GDAL libraries to access raster data. ArcGIS also provides a way for you to build support for your GDAL Driver into ArcGIS, so your raster format is handled the same way as other built-in formats.
This sample illustrates the mechanics of compiling a GDAL Driver with the same GDAL libraries that ArcGIS uses so ArcGIS can recognize and work with the raster format.
The sample also illustrates another closely related topic, custom geo-transforms. ArcGIS supports custom geo-transforms that can be associated with a new or existing GDAL Driver. The sample discusses several scenarios for supporting custom geo-transforms.
The GDAL version you use to build the driver needs to be compatible with the version used in ArcGIS. For ArcGIS 9.3, GDAL 1.4 is used. For ArcGIS 10.0, GDAL 1.6.2 is used, ArcGIS 10.1 through 10.3, GDAL 1.8 is used. All three versions of the GDAL support files are included with the download.
Requires Visual Studio 2008 and ArcObjects SDK.
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Size: 6.111 MB
ID: ac394205c97e4c2395ca76877a11c702
Image Count: 0
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Layer Drawing
Using tiles from a cache
Dynamically from data
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