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This style contains a set of 2D symbols which are designed to work well for the Transportation industry. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Jul 13, 2016 Item updated: Jun 21, 2022 Number of downloads: 21,918

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This style contains a set of 2D symbols which are designed to work well for the transportation industry, such as road signs. It includes point symbols, line symbols, polygon symbols, text symbols, standard label placements, colors, and north arrows. Point symbols correspond with characters in the ESRI Transportation & Civic, ESRI US MUTCD 1, ESRI US MUTCD 2, and ESRI US MUTCD 3 fonts. 

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Comments (7)

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ngwoodhouse Item Owner commented a year ago Delete Reply

This is a nice set of symbols and has most of what we see on the road. Is there an easy way to extend this style? For example we have seen speed signs as low as 5mph and have compound signs one for cars and the others for trucks.

at06@clarington.net_clarington Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete Reply

These have been super useful in our transportation mapping. I would like to see possiblity of a Pedestrian Crossing sign added

awelsh_avenuecon Item Owner commented 3 years ago Delete Reply

I use this style set frequently. I often find that I have to create at least half of my signs from scratch since this library does not have them all. Is there an email that I can contact to give a semi-generic list of signs that would be nice to add to this style?

BBurson_SanDiego Item Owner commented 3 years ago Delete Reply

These are great. EV Charging signs for parking spots would be a very helpful addition.

styles_esri Item Owner commented 3 years ago Delete

Thank you for the recommendation. We have updated the .stylx file to now include 4 electric vehicle signs (point symbols). Please take a look at your convienence and let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

iharshbarger Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

School (advance) is missing a symbol and appears solid black.

styles_esri Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete

Thank you for letting us know about this symbol. We have updated the .stylx file with the School (advance) symbol. Please take a look at your convenience and let us know if there are any issues or if you have additional questions. Thanks!

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