A multidimensional imagery layer providing 47 climate thresholds for the United States from the LOCA downscaled CMIP5 models. This layer presents the high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5) for 2036-2065. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
Tiled Imagery Layer
Item created: Jun 13, 2022 Item updated: May 15, 2024 View count: 14,753
- Historical: 1976-2005
- Early-Century: 2016-2045
- Mid-Century: 2036-2065
- Late-Century: 2070-2099
- Cooling Degree Days: Cooling degree days (annual cumulative number of degrees by which the daily average temperature is greater than 65°F) [degree days (degF)]
- Consecutive Dry Days: Annual maximum number of consecutive dry days (days with total precipitation less than 0.01 inches)
- Consecutive Dry Days Jan Jul Aug: Summer maximum number of consecutive dry days (days with total precipitation less than 0.01 inches in June, July, and August)
- Consecutive Wet Days: Annual maximum number of consecutive wet days (days with total precipitation greater than or equal to 0.01 inches)
- First Freeze Day: Date of the first fall freeze (annual first occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 32degF in the fall)
- Growing Degree Days: Growing degree days, base 50 (annual cumulative number of degrees by which the daily average temperature is greater than 50°F) [degree days (degF)]
- Growing Degree Days Modified: Modified growing degree days, base 50 (annual cumulative number of degrees by which the daily average temperature is greater than 50°F; before calculating the daily average temperatures, daily maximum temperatures above 86°F and daily minimum temperatures below 50°F are set to those values) [degree days (degF)]
- growing-season: Length of the growing (frost-free) season (the number of days between the last occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 32degF in the spring and the first occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 32degF in the fall)
- Growing Season 28F: Length of the growing season, 28°F threshold (the number of days between the last occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 28°F in the spring and the first occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 28°F in the fall)
- Growing Season 41F: Length of the growing season, 41°F threshold (the number of days between the last occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 41°F in the spring and the first occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 41°F in the fall)
- Heating Degree Days: Heating degree days (annual cumulative number of degrees by which the daily average temperature is less than 65°F) [degree days (degF)]
- Last Freeze Day: Date of the last spring freeze (annual last occurrence of a minimum temperature at or below 32degF in the spring)
- Precip Above 99th pctl: Annual total precipitation for all days exceeding the 99th percentile, calculated with reference to 1976-2005 [inches]
- Precip Annual Total: Annual total precipitation [inches]
- Precip Days Above 99th pctl: Annual number of days with precipitation exceeding the 99th percentile, calculated with reference to 1976-2005 [inches]
- Precip 1in: Annual number of days with total precipitation greater than 1 inch
- Precip 2in: Annual number of days with total precipitation greater than 2 inches
- Precip 3in: Annual number of days with total precipitation greater than 3 inches
- Precip 4in: Annual number of days with total precipitation greater than 4 inches
- Precip Max 1 Day: Annual highest precipitation total for a single day [inches]
- Precip Max 5 Day: Annual highest precipitation total over a 5-day period [inches]
- Daily Avg Temperature: Daily average temperature [degF]
- Daily Max Temperature: Daily maximum temperature [degF]
- Temp Max Days Above 99th pctl: Annual number of days with maximum temperature greater than the 99th percentile, calculated with reference to 1976-2005
- Temp Max Days Below 1st pctl: Annual number of days with maximum temperature lower than the 1st percentile, calculated with reference to 1976-2005
- Days Above 100F: Annual number of days with a maximum temperature greater than 100degF
- Days Above 105F: Annual number of days with a maximum temperature greater than 105degF
- Days Above 110F: Annual number of days with a maximum temperature greater than 110degF
- Days Above 115F: Annual number of days with a maximum temperature greater than 115degF
- Temp Max 1 Day: Annual single highest maximum temperature [degF]
- Days Above 32F: Annual number of icing days (days with a maximum temperature less than 32degF)
- Temp Max 5 Day: Annual highest maximum temperature averaged over a 5-day period [degF]
- Days Above 86F: Annual number of days with a maximum temperature greater than 86degF
- Days Above 90F: Annual number of days with a maximum temperature greater than 90degF
- Days Above 95F: Annual number of days with a maximum temperature greater than 95degF
- Temp Min: Daily minimum temperature [degF]
- Temp Min Days Above 75F: Annual number of days with a minimum temperature greater than 75degF
- Temp Min Days Above 80F: Annual number of days with a minimum temperature greater than 80degF
- Temp Min Days Above 85F: Annual number of days with a minimum temperature greater than 85degF
- Temp Min Days Above 90F: Annual number of days with a minimum temperature greater than 90degF
- Temp Min Days Above 99th pctl: Annual number of days with minimum temperature greater than the 99th percentile, calculated with reference to 1976-2005
- Temp Min Days Below 1st pctl: Annual number of days with minimum temperature lower than the 1st percentile, calculated with reference to 1976-2005
- Temp Min Days Below 28F: Annual number of days with a minimum temperature less than 28degF
- Temp Min Max 5 Day: Annual highest minimum temperature averaged over a 5-day period [degF]
- Temp Min 1 Day: Annual single lowest minimum temperature [degF]
- Temp Min 32F: Annual number of frost days (days with a minimum temperature less than 32degF)
- Temp Min 5 Day: Annual lowest minimum temperature averaged over a 5-day period [degF]
For For freeze-related variables:
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Dashboard views: Desktop
Source: Image Service
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Applicable: 2d
Size: 67.647 MB
ID: b9832655f2eb477e979757e5e0039194
Image Count: 1
Image Properties
Layer Drawing
Using tiles from a cache
Dynamically from data
Climate ModelsDroughtFloodingExtreme HeatWildfire
climate, climate change, LOCA, CMIP5, temperature, precipitation, heat, flood, drought, NOAA, model
Credits (Attribution)
No acknowledgements.USGCRP, NOAA/TSU, Esri
Comments (2)
Hello, is it possible to download this data somehow?
There is a link for downloads in the description via the NCA Atlas.