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Satellite imagery for the world and high-resolution aerial imagery for many areas, with available layers showing boundaries, places, and transportation including street names. Zoom in and click on imagery for metadata information. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Web Map from

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Item created: Apr 3, 2011 Item updated: Jan 29, 2025 View count: 2,352,994

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World Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes 15m TerraColor imagery at small and mid-scales (~1:591M down to ~1:72k) and 2.5m SPOT Imagery (~1:288k to ~1:72k) for the world. The map features 0.5m resolution imagery in the continental United States and parts of Western Europe from Maxar. Additional Maxar sub-meter imagery is featured in many parts of the world. In the United States, 1 meter or better resolution NAIP imagery is available in some areas. In other parts of the world, imagery at different resolutions has been contributed by the GIS User Community. In select communities, very high resolution imagery (down to 0.03m) is available down to ~1:280 scale. You can contribute your imagery to this map and have it served by Esri via the Community Maps Program. View the list of Contributors for the World Imagery Map.

See World Imagery for more information on this map.

Metadata: Point and click on the map to see the resolution, collection date, and source of the imagery. Values of "99999" mean that metadata is not available for that field.  The metadata applies only to the best available imagery at that location. You may need to zoom in to view the best available imagery.

Feedback:  Have you ever seen a problem in the Esri World Imagery Map that you wanted to see fixed?  You can use the Imagery Map Feedback web map to provide feedback on issues or errors that you see. The feedback will be reviewed by the ArcGIS Online team and considered for one of our updates.

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Comments (3)

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agc124_rutgers Item Owner commented 3 years ago Delete Reply

Some of these dates are wrong. I'm looking at a Maxar Technologies image of Hurricane Ida flooding in New Brunswick, NJ taken Sep/2/2021 both within the "Imagery with Metadata" webmap (zoom levels 12 thru 15, inclusive) and within this article <> -- the same river, flooding its banks and brown with sediment, is visible in both the webmap and the news article. The "Imagery with Metadata" popup displays the following: > Maxar (Vivid) imagery captured 1 year 10 months ago, on May 25, 2020. > Resolution: Pixels in the source image cover a ground distance of 0.50 meters. > Accuracy: Objects displayed in this image are within 5.00 meters of true location. Obviously Hurricane Ida didn't strike Central New Jersey on May 25, 2020. In fact, this is incorrect.

MChilcott Item Owner commented 3 years ago Delete Reply

Hi Esri, Is there a current problem with this service - it does not appear to be returning the identify in a timely manner and tiles are missing.

gspeed0689 Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

In the popups it shows a value for accuracy, how is the accuracy value calculated?

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          Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community

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