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The map shows the volume of daily traffic over each road segment in Utah, and a measure of safety for those road segments. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Oct 29, 2015 Item updated: May 14, 2021 View count: 19,703

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The map shows the volume of daily traffic over each road segment in Utah, and a measure of safety for those road segments. The map demonstrates the use of smart mapping on two key attributes in a traffic safety database: daily traffic volume, and Safety Index.

"The Safety Index offers a statewide comparison of UDOT roadways, taking into account the different traffic patterns and volumes experienced in urban and rural areas. The Safety Index is a combination of four, equally weighted safety analysis sub-scores: Crash Rate Score, Severe Crash Rate Score, Crashes per Mile Score, Severe Crashes per Mile Score. The Safety Index is reported on a 0 to 10 scale, with 10 representing the worst conditions.  The data reflect crashes from 2011 through 2013. For more information please see the Data Assessment Form. To download this data please visit UDOT's Open Data Site." -- Utah Department of Transportation

The Safety Index represents factors that transportation experts consider when prioritizing changes to the roads.

The original map was the inspiration for this map. See its full explanation here.

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