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Document containing lists of Vector Basemap features, label subtypes, min/max zoom levels, disputed boundary codes and fonts for use of the Esri Vector Basemaps. This PDF contains information related to the current v2 service URL. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Nov 26, 2017 Item updated: Jan 31, 2025 View count: 12,982

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Document containing lists of features, label subtypes, min/max zoom levels, disputed boundary codes and available fonts for use of the Esri Vector Basemaps, including customization. This PDF contains information related to the current v2 service URL.  The underlying map data is updated on a regular basis.

PDF document containing supporting information for Esri Vector Basemaps. It was last updated in conjunction with the vector maps' release to Production. 

Esri Vector Basemaps Release Updates
Provides dates of when the basemaps are updated and any significant changes to the content and/or styles of the basemaps.

Esri Vector Basemaps Web Maps and Tile Layers
Links to Groups and list of all Esri supported vector basemap styles.

Esri Vector Basemaps Difference between v2 and v1 service URLs
Highlights of the difference between the new v2 service URL (general availability) and the v1 (retired). 

Esri Vector Basemaps Feature Names and Label Subtypes
Provides a list of the feature id, subtypes and label information found in the root.JSON file. Knowing what the feature names are from this list is beneficial when editing the JSON code to stylize and customize your vector basemap.

Esri Vector Basemaps Min/Max Zoom Levels
Provides the current full list of feature names (“id”) and their corresponding min and max zoom levels. You can control when features appear on the map by adjusting the “minzoom” and “maxzoom” values in the root.JSON file.

Esri Vector Basemaps Disputed Boundaries and IDs
Provides example of how to change the JSON code and apply the DisputeID code in the filter for boundary lines.

Esri Vector Basemaps Resources\Fonts and Customizing Esri Vector Basemaps (Including Localization)
Provides an example of how to change the JSON code and apply different fonts to your map style. Follow the step-by-step approach to make font changes.  There are currently 136 different fonts available to apply to the map through JSON code editing.

Esri Vector Basemaps OpenStreetMap Data Sources

Important Note: All Esri styles based on OpenStreetMap Daylight Distribution are in mature support as of December 2024.  See blog for more information.

OpenStreetMap Daylight Localization

Important Note: All Esri styles based on OpenStreetMap Daylight Distribution are in mature support as of December 2024.  See blog for more information.

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Comments (3)

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john.lloyd Item Owner commented 3 years ago Delete Reply

Could someone provide me with a little more info on how to create a custom version of the World Navigation Vector Basemap with WMS cpoability for referencing in Bentley's Microstation? We are able to do this on any other basemap service or imagery service that is WMS enabled. What is the best option for referencing an Esri Basemap in MIcrostation? Please

[Deleted User] Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete Reply

Quick Question: why are the images/graphics in the PDF blurry?

esri_basemaps Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete

Image settings on PDF conversion restored to print quality.

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