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Explore a map of lava flow hazard zones on the island of Hawaii. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Apr 4, 2014 Item updated: Sep 25, 2024 View count: 362,504

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The boundaries and classification of lava flow hazard zones on Hawaii Island were first mapped by the US Geological Survey in 1974. This classification scheme divides the island into 18 major zones that are ranked from 1 through 9 based on the probability of coverage by lava flows. The  risk levels are based primarily on the location and frequency of historic eruptions (those for which there are written records or that are known from the oral traditions of the Hawaiians) and the geologic mapping and scientific dating of the old flows from prehistoric eruptions.

Much of the USGS work was based on a study called Geologic Map of the Island of Hawaii.

This map is part of the project Get Started with Map Viewer.

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Comments (18)

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Learn_ArcGIS Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

Hello Instanbul53: Did you see this note in Section: Add CSV File at Step: 6.: "Tip: Your CSV file may contain street addresses stored under field names that ArcGIS doesn't recognize as address fields. You can apply the interpretation yourself by clicking the Location Field value next to the field name and choosing the appropriate location information from a drop-down list."

Istanbul53 Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete

Hello ! Yes, I saw this note but it didn't help. I think the problem had something to do with incompatible software, i.e. my laptop opens this CSV file in Numbers not in Excel. Then I export the file to a CSV file. And when I add it to the map, it gives me an error. The error it gave me said: no corresponding address location field. Surprisingly, today when I tried to add the CSV file, it was fine - it got added ! And I haven't done anything ! So I suspect there was a bug which sorted out itself, or you have updated the code. Anyway, thanks a lot for your feedback, it was a headache !

Istanbul53 Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

Hello ! Could you please help me with the following. I'm stuck with the 2nd part of the 1st exercise called "creating a Hawaii hazard map". I'm trying to add a csv file from my MacBook Pro to the map (ArcGIS online) but it keeps giving me an error like it doesn't recognise the address field name. I can't figure out what can be done. Perhaps you already encountered such a problem ? Thanks in advance.

Chr1stopher Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete Reply


andylangbon Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete Reply

where do i view my on going practice map i save?

Learn_ArcGIS Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete

You can view any content you've saved on the Content tab. If you don't see it right away, make sure you're looking in the correct folder. Any folders you have will be listed on the left side of the window below the ribbon.

student_training1 Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete Reply

This is wonderful

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