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Deep learning model to detect and recognize text from images. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Deep learning package from

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Item created: Mar 16, 2022 Item updated: Jan 2, 2025 Number of downloads: 2,141

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Text is prevalent in natural scenes around us in the form of road signs, billboards, house numbers and place names. Text labels are also an integral part of cadastral maps and floor plans. Extracting this text can provide additional context and details about the places the text describes and the information it conveys.

This deep learning model is based on the PaddleOCR model and uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to detect text in images. This model was trained on a large dataset of different types and styles of text with diverse background and contexts, allowing for precise text extraction. It can be applied to various tasks such as automatically detecting and reading text from billboards, sign boards, scanned maps, etc., thereby converting images containing text to actionable data.

Using the model
Follow the guide to use the model. Before using this model, ensure that the supported deep learning libraries are installed. For more details, check Deep Learning Libraries Installer for ArcGISThe PaddleOCR library is additionally required by this model. PaddleOCR can be installed using the following command in ArcGIS Python Command Prompt:

    conda install paddleocr -c esri

Fine-tuning the model
This model cannot be fine-tuned using ArcGIS tools.

High-resolution, 3-band street-level imagery/oriented imagery or scanned maps, with medium to large size text.

A feature layer with the recognized text and bounding box around it.

Model architecture

This model is based on the open-source PaddleOCR model by PaddlePaddle.

Sample results
Here are a few results from the model.



parcel text parsing

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Terms of Use This work is licensed under the Esri Master License Agreement.

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Comments (4)

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1542052797 Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete Reply

This model is based on PaddlePaddle, but the current deep learning environment does not include that framework. How can I use it?

esri_analytics Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete

To use the model with ArcGIS Pro, you will need to install PaddlePaddle and PaddleOCR separately as they are currently not included in the Deep Learning Libraries for ArcGIS Pro. To do this, open Start Menu > ArcGIS > Python Command Prompt and issue the following command: conda install -c esri paddleocr This model only works on CPU (and not the GPU). Also, consider using the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) model also available on the Living Atlas, as it does not have these limitations.

bjomehzadeh_project_esri_co Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete Reply

Hello. In which languages ​​does the model work? Only Engilsh?

Srinivas.S Item Owner commented 3 years ago Delete Reply

Hello, thanks for the model. I am running into an error with a single-band raster. How can the model be adjusted?

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