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Web Map
Item created: Feb 10, 2012 Item updated: Jan 4, 2024 View count: 5,735,543
The 'Imagery with Labels' basemap contains the World Imagery map service and the World Boundaries and Places map service, so when you use that basemap you get boundaries and places, but you don't get streets and roads at small scales or street and road labels at large scale. So by adding the World Transportation map service into your map as well you get those too.
Want to use this map as the basemap for your own web map? If you have not created your web map yet, simply open this map and then do Save As to save a copy of it as your own map, and then make changes to it like zooming in and adding more data. If you have already created your web map, open it and choose the Imagery With Labels basemap from the Basemap dropdown. Then add the World Transportation service into your map by searching for it. This 'Imagery with Labels and Transportation' web map shows you what this looks like. The World Transportation map service is designed to be drawn underneath the World Boundaries and Places map service, as you can see in this web map.
In this web map, we have set the Transportation layer with partial transparency to make the transportation network less prominent relative to the imagery. You can manipulate the level of transparency that you use for the basemap and reference layers in the web maps that you create. You can do this in the layer properties of the layers in the map table of contents.
Feedback: Have you ever seen a problem in the Esri World Imagery Map that you wanted to see fixed? You can use the Imagery Map Feedback web map to provide feedback on issues or errors that you see. The feedback will be reviewed by the ArcGIS Online team and considered for one of our updates.
Tip: This web map is a useful general purpose map that you can link to from web pages, emails, social media, etc, and embed in your own web page. Just open the map and then choose the Share option. Like with any public map in ArcGIS Online, you don't need to have an ArcGIS Online account in order to share this map by linking or embedding. In addition, by adding extent parameters in the URL you use to link or embed the map, you can take users directly to particular locations. So anyone can immediately take advantage of this map on the web to show any location in the world without even being signed in to ArcGIS Online. See this help topic for more information. For example, here are some links that use extent parameters to open this map at some famous locations. Some of these specify a rectangular extent on the map to zoom to. Others specify a center point and a zoom level to zoom to:
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Applicable: 2d
Size: 3.027 KB
ID: d802f08316e84c6592ef681c50178f17
Image Count: 0
Image Properties
Layer Drawing
Using tiles from a cache
Dynamically from data
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Credits (Attribution)
No acknowledgements.Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community
Comments (2)
Why doesn't ESRI make this a default base map option? AGOL would be a much better tool if a base map included transportation labels by default. Bing and Google do this by default.
What are the limits of use on this service officially? Your license agreement is to vague and does not reference specific service except for those that are used from commercial sources, but there does not seem to be an easy way to tie this to a specific service to know if those limits apply to a service like this one?