Explore & irrigate the Martian planet A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
Web Mapping Application
Item created: Apr 13, 2016 Item updated: Apr 15, 2016 View count: 29,179

Singlar | Plural | Descriptor |
Catena | catenae | A chain of craters |
Cavus | cavi | Hollows, irregular steep-sided depressions usually in arrays or clusters |
Chaos | chaoses | A distinctive area of broken or jumbled terrain |
Chasma | chasmata | Deep, elongated, steep-sided depression |
Collis | colles | A collection of small hills or knobs |
Crater | craters | A circular depression likely created by impact event. |
Dorsum | dorsa | Ridge, sometimes called a wrinkle ridge |
Fluctus | fluctūs | Terrain covered by outflow of liquid |
Fossa | fossae | Long, narrow, shallow depression |
Labes | labēs | Landslide debris |
labyrinthus | labyrinthi | Complex of intersecting valleys or ridges |
Lingula | lingulae | Tongue of land |
Mensa | mensae | A flat-topped prominence with cliff-like edges |
Mons | Mountain | |
Montes | Mountain range | |
Palus | paludes | Small plain |
Patera | paterae | Irregular crater, or a complex one with scalloped edges |
Planitia | planitiae | Low plain |
Planum | plana | A plateau or high plain |
Rupes | rupēs | Scarp |
Scopulus | scopuli | Irregular Slope |
Serpens | serpentes | Sinuous feature with segments of positive and negative relief along its length |
Sulcus | sulci | Subparallel furrows and ridges |
Terra | terrae | Extensive land mass |
tholus | tholi | Small domical mountain or hill |
Unda | undae | A field of dunes |
Vallis | valles | A valley |
Vastitas | vastitates | An extensive plain |
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Size: 2.321 KB
ID: ee4fd19d7d514bb192359534f27169b8
Image Count: 0
API: JavaScript
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