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Detect solar panels from ArcGIS Pro project template. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Project Template by

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Item created: Jul 22, 2021 Item updated: Aug 3, 2021 Number of downloads: 488

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This project template provides Detect Solar Panels tool that allows the use of Solar Panel Detection - USA model to detect solar panels from high resolution RGB imagery. Follow the guide on using the tool. 

Using the project template

1. Download the template using the download button.

2. Open ArcGIS Pro and from the project selection screen, choose the "Select another project template" option.

3. Navigate to the downloaded template and click OK. 

4. Provide a name to your new project and click OK.

5. Navigate to Toolboxes in the Catalog Pane to access the tool.

6. Follow the steps in the guide on using the tool.

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Comments (7)

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gwddrsesri Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

After I re-installed the ArcGIS Pro(but this time 2.8.2), I tried to use this template again. The panel, "Detect Solar Panels (Detect_SolarPanels.aptx)" appeared, then I filled the all parameters. But the model did not work... ArcGIS Pro itself did not freeze or stop. On the other hand, the model, "Solar Panel Detection - USA" itself worked in the toolbox, "Detect Objects Using Deep Learning". And I could get the solar panel polygon detected. The steps I've been trying are, 1. Uninstalled the all components of the ArcGIS Pro 2.8.1. 2. Installed the all components of the ArcGIS Pro 2.8.2. (Luckily I could apply the latest version.) 3. Install the deep learning libraries: "Deep Learning Libraries Installer for ArcGIS" 4. Checked the installation, confirmed that basic GIS functions worked. 5. Checked whether the deep learning libraries works or not. Used the "Solar Panel Detection - USA model(SolarPanelDetection_USA.dlpk)" in the "Detect Objects Using Deep Learning". It worked. 6. Checked whether the template "Detect Solar Panels (Detect_SolarPanels.aptx)" works or not. Used the that template. It failed. I'm not sure the reason why template did not work again. But analyzing with toolbox and the model give me the result, I'll use this from now on. Thank you for your kindness. *OS is Windows10, but basic language is Japanese. So I set up some ArcGIS Pro's Japanese module. I did not use any Japanese character for the filenames / folder names. *I've installed lots of modules for deep learning analysis such as CUDA, cuDNN, python module and so far. They might cause the conflict.

gwddrsesri Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

Thank you for your reply. I've already removed all (pro and framework) and reinstalled only ArcGIS Pro 2.8.1. It is working correctly. I'll try to set them up on weekend not to suspend my other GIS task.

arcgis_python Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete

Great! Thanks!

gwddrsesri Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

Thank you for your samples. Le me explain my case. This is not a request. I'm trying to use "Detect Objects Using Deep Learning" and this template on ArcGIS Pro 2.8.1. Before this trial , I set up "Deep Learning Libraries Installer for ArcGIS Pro 2.8" already. When I chose SolarPanelDetection_USA.dlpk, ArcGIS Pro went down without any message. Then I followed this guidance, and select Detect Solar Panels template, ArcGIS Pro was down as well. Before I set up the "Deep Learning Libraries Installer for ArcGIS Pro 2.8", ArcGIS Pro itself did not go down. It just did not work, I succeeded to get Solar Panel Object by my handmade deep learning model on ArcGIS Pro. But it was not a satisfied one. So, I'm thinking that l will try this model

arcgis_python Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete

@gwddrsesri Please uninstall Deep Learning Installer Pro 2.8 and then uninstall Pro. Then reinstall Pro and install DL libraries. Please comment back in case you face errors. Also delete any cloned environments already created,

arcgis_python Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete

@gwddrsesri Please uninstall Pro as well as Deep Learning Installer Pro 2.8. Then reinstall Pro and install DL libraries. Please comment back in case you face errors.

gwddrsesri Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete

After I commented, I checked the GIS operation, again Then I found that any geoprocessing process halted the ArcGIS. It went down with "report-software-errors" dialog. I'll re-install ArcGIS Pro.

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