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ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor is a tool to give you a fast and easy way to create a custom vector basemap style that matches your brand and the type of app that you are building. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Jul 6, 2018 Item updated: Aug 1, 2023 View count: 0

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The ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor is a tool available on the ArcGIS for Developers website. Whether you are a developer, designer, or a GIS professional, this tool gives you a fast and easy way to create a custom basemap style that matches your brand and the type of app that you are building.

How it works
Start by selecting an existing Esri vector basemap (e.g. World Street Map or Light Gray Canvas) and then just begin customizing the layer colors and labels from there. You can edit everything from fill and text symbols to fonts, halos, patterns, transparency, and zoom level visibility. When you are finished, the styles are saved as an item in ArcGIS Online with a unique ID. The Map Viewer or any custom application can then reference the item to display the basemap.

Documentation for the Vector Tile Style Editor is available online. There is an introduction to the editor as well as descriptions of the Tools and Workflow.

Design Tools
The editor makes styling easy by allowing you to style many layers at once or by allowing you to search for individual layers of interest. Here are some of options available:
  • Quick Edit – select all layers and style them at once
  • Edit by Color – select and replace a color for one or more layers
  • Edit Layer Styles – search for one or more layers to style
  • Layer Editor – click the map or the layer list to perform detailed editing on a layer

Try it!
To start customizing a basemap sign into the ArcGIS for Developers website and click “+ New Style”. There are also new ArcGIS DevLabs for styling a vector tile basemap and displaying a custom basemap style in your application. For more inspiration visit this showcase of some custom styles we have created. Feel free to post questions or feedback on the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor page of the Esri Community. Have fun making beautiful maps!  Information originally posted on the blog site by the ArcGIS for Developers Team.

Related Functionality
The ArcGIS Online Map Viewer has access to the style editor through the App Launcher. Log in to ArcGIS Online and select the Vector Tile Style Editor icon from the apps palette. The ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Classic also has access to the style editor. Using a Vector Tile Layer in your map (operational layer or basemap layer), click on the "Change Style" icon under the layer name to launch a version of this application from directly within the Classic Map Viewer. If you are looking for a vector tile layer to customize, you can Add layer from The Living Atlas and limit your search to Basemaps > Vector Tiles.

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Comments (6)

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brittanyburson21 Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply

How many credits are consumed by saving these in ArcGIS Online? Can't seem to find in the documentation.

esri_basemaps Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete

Use of the Style Editor does not consume Credits. Storage of maps and layers consume credits per this documentation:

photogeomap Item Owner commented 4 years ago Delete Reply


esri_basemaps Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete

Right!?! Let's see what you can do with it...

Jlall_MC Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete Reply

How do we use these in ArcGIS Pro? When I go to the new Vector Tile Service page in my organization, I can download the .pitmx file. But that file doesn't do anything when added to Arc Pro. And the URL listed is which also can't be added to Pro

[Deleted User] Item Owner commented 2 years ago Delete

Hi, you need to add the basemap to you basemap gallery. To do so, you can follow the steps described here

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          ID: fdc14ea2616f47ffa3981277754c6cd4

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          Purpose: Ready To Use

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