Ontario Hydro Network (OHN) - Waterbody

ISO 19115-3 Metadata

Metadata Information

Metadata identifier:
Identifier code: 22bab3c9f37a4dd0845eb89e7b247a9f
Default locale:
Language code: eng
Character encoding: utf8
Metadata contact:
Role: pointOfContact
Responsible party:
Name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Provincial Mapping Unit
Contact information:
e-mail address: pmu@ontario.ca
Metadata date information:
Date type: revision
Date: 2018-07-12
Metadata standard:
Title: ISO 19115-3 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals
Edition: 2014
Other locale:
Language code: fre
Country code: CA
Character encoding: utf8
Metadata scope:

Data Identification Information

Resource citation:
Title: Ontario Hydro Network (OHN) - Waterbody
Alternate titles: OHNWBDY
Citation date:
Date type: creation
Date: 2010-08-09T00:00:00
Citation date:
Date type: revision
Date: 2024-09-10T16:37:23
Authority citation:
Title: LIO Metadata Management Tool UUID
Citation date:
Date type: publication
Date: 2019-04-11T14:51:42.458178
Identifier code: 3ebaf6b2-6dd6-4ebb-a6bb-4fc778426709
Authority citation:
Title: LIO Concrete Class Short Name
Citation date:
Date type: publication
Date: 2019-04-11T14:51:42.467190
Identifier code: OHNWBDY
Authority citation:
Title: Ontario GeoHub French Record ID
Citation date:
Date type: publication
Date: 2020-01-02T15:56:48.913117
Identifier code: d2d8c5b1e297458d939250eb4539a2d0_25
Cited responsible party:
Role: publisher
Responsible party:
Name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Online resource:
Online location: https://www.gisapplication.lrc.gov.on.ca/fmedatadownload/Packages/fgdb/OHNWBDY.zip
Connection protocol:
Name of resource: Complete File Geodatabase
Online resource:
Online location: https://www.gisapplication.lrc.gov.on.ca/fmedatadownload/Packages/OHNWBDY.zip
Connection protocol:
Name of resource: Complete Shapefile
Online resource:
Online location: https://www.publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/mirb/lio-open-qlr-eng/ontario-hydro-network-ohn-waterbody.qlr
Connection protocol:
Name of resource: QGIS Layer Definition File (.qlr)
Abstract: Water bodies are polygon features (natural and constructed) that describe various realizations of surface water at a medium scale of 1:10K in Southern Ontario, 1:20K in Northern Ontario and 1:50K in the Far North. Additional Documentation OHN - User Guide (Word) OHN - Data Capture Specification for Hydrographic Features (Word) OHN - Waterbody - Data Description (PDF) OHN- Waterbody - Documentation (Word) Data Maintenance - Status Map (Word) Ontario Hydro Network - List of Partners (Word) Status On going: Data is continually being updated Maintenance and Update Frequency As needed: Data is updated as deemed necessary Contact Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Provincial Mapping Unit, pmu@ontario.ca
Purpose: Shows the location of waterbodies in Ontario as part of the Ontario Hydro Network (OHN).
Credits: https://www.ontario.ca/page/open-government-licence-ontario
Status: onGoing
Point of contact:
Role: pointOfContact
Responsible party:
Name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Provincial Mapping Unit
Contact information:
Delivery point: 300 Water St, 2nd Floor
City: Peterborough
Administrative area: Ontario
Postal code: K9J 8M5
Country: CA
e-mail address: pmu@ontario.ca
Point of contact:
Role: pointOfContact
Responsible party:
Name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Provincial Mapping Unit
Contact information:
Number type: voice
Number: 1 (705) 7551878
e-mail address: pmu@ontario.ca
Themes or categories of the resource: inlandWaters
Resource extent:
Geographic element:
Bounding rectangle:
West longitude: -95.1569900512695
East longitude: -74.3079833984375
North latitude: 56.8501167297363
South latitude: 41.6722984313965
Resource maintenance:
Update frequency: asNeeded
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: large_thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: large_thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: large_thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: Sample Data File Name: ; Sample Data File Descr: ; Sample Data File Type: ; Sample Data File Size: 0
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: thumbnail
File type: png
Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type: theme
Keywords: Ontario Hydro Network, Waterbody, Lakes, OHN, Hydrography, Watercourse, Rivers, Water, Hydrology

Title: external
Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type: unknown

Resource constraints:
General Constraints:
Limitations of use: Open Government Licence – Ontario
Resource constraints:
Legal Constraints:
Access constraints: otherRestrictions
Other constraints: Other Constraints

Resource constraints:
Legal Constraints:
Use constraints: otherRestrictions
Other constraints: Other Constraints

Resource constraints:
Legal Constraints:
Access constraints: otherRestrictions
Other constraints: Other Constraints

Resource constraints:
Legal Constraints:
Use constraints: otherRestrictions
Other constraints: Other Constraints

Default locale:
Environment description: NRVIS

Reference System Information

Reference system identifier:
Identifier code: Grid CS = Geographic (Lat, Long); Map Proj = Not Applicable; Horiz. Datum = NAD83; Vert. Datum = Not Applicable

Data Quality Information

Data quality scope:
Data quality report:
Relative internal positional accuracy:
Data quality measure:
Measure description: Horizontal: Precise: +/- 10 m; Vertical: Not Applicable
Data quality result:

Distribution Information

Digital transfer options:
Online location:
Online location: https://www.gisapplication.lrc.gov.on.ca/fmedatadownload/Packages/fgdb/OHNWBDY.zip
Connection protocol:
Name of resource: Complete File Geodatabase
Online location:
Online location: https://www.gisapplication.lrc.gov.on.ca/fmedatadownload/Packages/OHNWBDY.zip
Connection protocol:
Name of resource: Complete Shapefile
Online location:
Online location: https://www.publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/mirb/lio-open-qlr-eng/ontario-hydro-network-ohn-waterbody.qlr
Connection protocol:
Name of resource: QGIS Layer Definition File (.qlr)