This Florida shoreline was originally digitized in 1990 by USFWS under FWRI contract. In all cases, USFWS used the most detailed NOAA navigational charts available at the time (i.e. harbor areas were taken from 1:10000 and the Big Bend was taken from 1:80000). In some areas, nautical charts were insufficient and 1:24000 USGS quadrangles or DOQQs were used instead of the nautical charts. This is especially true along rivers.
The shoreline has been supplemented and updated from various sources including DOQQs and USGS 7.5-minute quadrangles. For a history file of updated areas, contact the GIS Librarian.
FWRI staff updated these data with revisions made during the "manatee speed zones" project of 2002.
FWRI staff updated the linework in Miami-Dade County to include linework digitized in-house for manatee speed zones and another project. Only major shoreline linework was edited, as well as some interior canalwork that was important for the manatee speed zones. The revised linework was edgematched to the 1:40,000 shoreline linework, so that no interior canals were lost. The new linework and polygon attributes have been verified against 1999 DOQQs.
This data set is composed of polygons and lines depicting the shoreline of Florida. Each polygon contains the item ATTRIBUTE, which tells whether it is land or water.